Project Description

Reading Time: < 1 minute
Project ID: 9661

Product Development / Strategy-Workshop — Visioning The Future of After Sales (Automotive)

Time 10/2016
Duration: 1 day workshop; 2 days preparation
Role: Facilitator / Moderator
Abstract: Reading Time: < 1 minute For the After Sales Department of a German DAX500 automotive OEM, I designed and facilitated in 2016 a large group strategy workshop. Management, team, and project leader came together to envision future trends in "After Sale 2021". A visioning and brand building workshop with LEGO Serious Play.
Description: The management and team and project leaders of the Afte Sales department of a Fortune 500+ german automotive OEM came together to envision and discuss future trends of their brand and business field in "2021".  created a strategic visioning and a brand-building large group LEGO Serious Play workshop for them. More information on this, here.  
Size: 75 ppl.
Industry: Automotive