You Consent, I Dissent — The Five Levels of Agreement

Reading Time: 3 minutesMaking decisions by consensus, people seldom agree equally to the decision found. Instead, they commit themselves to their own level of personal agreement. All of a sudden, you have ignored several levels of agreement. And sometimes to disagree is a sign of commitment. - Weird, isn't it?

Consensus Decisioning — How to Find Minimal Viable Decisions

Reading Time: 5 minutesConsensus-based group decision-making is a cooperative process in which the voters develop and agree to support a decision in the best interest of the whole as a team. They do not only search for the agreement of most participants but also try to resolve or mitigate the objections of the minority to achieve the most agreeable decision. The group finds this minimal viable decision by discussing and arguing equally as many alternatives as possible until all group members consent with the highest agreement to "the final" solution even if it is not the favourite of each individual.

How To Align Organisational Change Agents To Common Goals

Reading Time: 5 minutesA change agent or agent of change is someone who intentionally or indirectly causes or accelerates social, cultural, or behavioral change. To be effective, your change agents, have to have to burn for the change. Striving for the change should be one — no, it must be the only one — of their personal goals. Align your change agents to the goals of your change initiative regularly with visioning workshops.

Lean Coffee

Reading Time: 2 minutesLean Coffee is a structured, but agenda-less meeting. The participants come together, build an agenda, and start talking. The conversations are directed and productive because they are strictly time-boxed and the agenda for the meeting is democratically generated

Automotive SPICE

Reading Time: 4 minutesAutomotive SPiCE is a process maturity framework to assess the capability and maturity of organisational processes to develop software resp. embedded systems in the automotive industry. It is a variant of ISO 15504 tailored to the needs of the automotive industry. The framework is used by automotive OEMs and suppliers to assess the capability and maturity of their development processes for software and embedded systems. The process reference part of the model defines the central processes relevant to be inspected and to be performed in any software/embedded system development. The process assessment part of the model describes how to evaluate the capability of processes within the organisation.

ISO/IEC 15504 — SPiCE

Reading Time: 5 minutesISO/IEC 15504 (SPiCE) is an international norm to assess and evaluate the maturity of business processes for software and electronic development (embedded systems). A process reference model defines the central processes relevant to be inspected and to be performed in any software/embedded system development. The process assessment model defines how to evaluate the capability of processes within an organisation.

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Risk Management — The Bad and The Good

Reading Time: 5 minutesDoing risk management in the Monty Python style is a waste of time and effort: identifying and accessing unrealistic risks with a disproportionate amount of time and with exaggerated mitigation strategies. Traditional and agile risk management provide solutions, activities, and processes with a strong ad for the agile one.

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