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My public workshops & talks at (Open Space) conferences and meetups:

2020, Oct.

Virtual Agile Camp Berlin 2020

The Virtual Agile Camp Berlin 2020 Schedule

We will have three virtual conference days instead of the in-person Agile Camp Berlin’s usual two days. Also, we need to invest more time preparing the vACB20, as for obvious reasons, we cannot improvise at the usual level when we go virtual. The great news is that we do not have to clean up the venue afterward. (Although it is incredible to see how fast that works when 30-40 people join the effort.)

I present a new Agile Game for Coaching Scrum Masters, Trainers, and Agile Teams: "The Agile Coach Game", developed at Play4Agile20. 

2020, Oct.

Startup SAFARI FrankfurtRheinMain 2020

The largest event for startup and innovation ecosystems in Frankfurt/RheinMain Vol. 4.

2020, Oct.

Play4Agile20 Virtual Event

The Play4Agile Virtual Global Edition. 
I present a new Agile Game for Coaching Scrum Masters, Trainers, and Agile Teams: "The Agile Coach Game", developed at Play4Agile20. 

2020, Feb.

Play4Agile 2020, Rückertsbach, Germany

Play4Agile Un-Conference Play4Agile is for Agile and Lean coaches, facilitators, game and innovation experts who want to exchange questions, ideas and experiences on using games in teams and organisations. Play4Agile provides an open playground to inspire each other and to learn how using serious games can help us achieve our goals. Play4Agile is a gathering of experienced peers from all over the world to create and play games in an inspiring environment. [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2019, Oct.

Agile Methoden für die tägliche Arbeit

In  charge of  Die Akademie für Führungskräfte, Überlingen, Germany, I give the public training
Please register:
Die Akademie für Führungskräfte
Phone: +49 7551 9368-185
[su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]
2019, Apr.

Agile Tools für Manager

In  charge of  Die Akademie für Führungskräfte, Überlingen, Germany, I give the public training
Please register
Die Akademie für Führungskräfte
Phone: +49 7551 9368-185
[su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]
2019, Mar.

#play14 Luxembourg 2019

play14   #play14 is an international gathering for people who share the idea that playing is a great way to teach, learn and understand! Many different profiles of people are invited to share serious games, good practices, tips, knowledge, laughs and smiles in a common goal of spreading new ways to teach, learn, create or train. These profiles could be for example (and not exhaustively): serious gamers, learning-by-doing practitioners, games designers, serious games facilitators from various communities like agile, teachers, specialists, service designer, actors, improvisers, therapists, speech therapists, creativity, Human Resources managers.   [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]
2019, Jan.

Play4Agile 2019, Rückertsbach, Germany

Play4Agile Un-Conference Play4Agile is for Agile and Lean coaches, facilitators, game and innovation experts who want to exchange questions, ideas and experiences on using games in teams and organisations. Play4Agile provides an open playground to inspire each other and to learn how using serious games can help us achieve our goals. Play4Agile is a gathering of experienced peers from all over the world to create and play games in an inspiring environment. [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2018, Nov.

Play4Agile 2018, Rückertsbach, Germany

Play4Agile Un-Conference Play4Agile is for Agile and Lean coaches, facilitators, game and innovation experts who want to exchange questions, ideas and experiences on using games in teams and organisations. Play4Agile provides an open playground to inspire each other and to learn how using serious games can help us achieve our goals. Play4Agile is a gathering of experienced peers from all over the world to create and play games in an inspiring environment. [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]
2018, Nov.

#play14 Hamburg 2018

play14   #play14 is an international gathering for people who share the idea that playing is a great way to teach, learn and understand! Many different profiles of people are invited to share serious games, good practices, tips, knowledge, laughs and smiles in a common goal of spreading new ways to teach, learn, create or train. These profiles could be for example (and not exhaustively): serious gamers, learning-by-doing practitioners, games designers, serious games facilitators from various communities like agile, teachers, specialists, service designer, actors, improvisers, therapists, speech therapists, creativity, Human Resources managers.   [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]
2018, Nov.

T4AT - Tools4AgileTeams2018

T4AT-Logo [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]
2018, Oct.

Agile Tools für Manager

In  charge of  Die Akademie für Führungskräfte, Überlingen, Germany, I give the public training
Please register
Die Akademie für Führungskräfte
Phone: +49 7551 9368-185
[su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]
2018, Jun.

ACC Romania 18

Agile Coach Camp Romania is a three-day event that serves as an unconference for Agile coaches of Romania and other countries. It is a free, not-for-profit, practitioner-run event. Agile Coach Camp Romania follows the open space format for conferences. Open space is a simple methodology for self-organizing conference tracks. It relies on participation by people who have a passion for the topics to be discussed. There is no preplanned list of topics, only time slots and a space in the main meeting room where interested participants propose topics and pick time slots.   [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]
2018, Jun.

ACCDE18: Agile Coach Camp Germany

Agile Coach Camp Germany is a three-day event that serves as an unconference for Agile coaches of Germany and other countries. The Agile Coach Camp Germany is a free, not-for-profit, practitioner-run event. Agile Coach Camp Germany follows the open space format for conferences. Open space is a simple methodology for self-organizing conference tracks. It relies on participation by people who have a passion for the topics to be discussed. There is no preplanned list of topics, only time slots and a space in the main meeting room where interested participants propose topics and pick time slots.   [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]
2018, May.

BarCamp Bodensee 2018

Barcamp Bodensee ist eine offene Tagung mit offenen Workshops, deren Inhalte und Ablauf von den Teilnehmern zu Beginn der Tagung selbst entwickelt und im weiteren Verlauf gestaltet werden. [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]
2018, Apr.

Agile Tools für Manager

In  charge of  Die Akademie für Führungskräfte, Überlingen, Germany, I give the public training
Please register
Die Akademie für Führungskräfte
Phone: +49 7551 9368-185
[su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]
2018, Mar.

#play14 Luxembourg 2018

play14   #play14 is an international gathering for people who share the idea that playing is a great way to teach, learn and understand! Many different profiles of people are invited to share serious games, good practices, tips, knowledge, laughs and smiles in a common goal of spreading new ways to teach, learn, create or train. These profiles could be for example (and not exhaustively): serious gamers, learning-by-doing practitioners, games designers, serious games facilitators from various communities like agile, teachers, specialists, service designer, actors, improvisers, therapists, speech therapists, creativity, Human Resources managers.   [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]
2017, Nov.

T4AT - Tools4AgileTeams2017

T4AT-Logo [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]
2017, Sep.

CoRe Day17 Stuttgart

Coach Reflection Day - CoRe Day Logo

Coach Reflection Day - CoRe Day

The CoRe Day is a 1-day open space format for (Agile) coaches to train and learn in mutually supervised sessions and coaching dojos.     [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]
2017, Sep.

ALE2017 - Agile Lean Europe

The ALE network is here to foster discussions among agilists across Europe and welcomes our 7th conference this year in Prague, Czech Republic.
2017, Sep.

Die Kandidaten zur Bundestagswahl 2017 - Eine konstruktive Diskussion mit Lego Serious Play

Hier zum Blog-Artikel. Einladungstext: Die Wirtschaftsjunioren Mannheim-Ludwigshafen zusammen mit, laden ein: Download Flyer  
Am 24. September 2017 ist Bundestagswahl! Die Wirtschaftsjunioren sind die Stimme der jungen Wirtschaft in der Region. Wir suchen gerade in Wahljahren immer wieder den Austausch mit unseren politischen Vertretern. In diesem Jahr möchten wir mit vier Kandidaten zur Bundestagswahl aus unserer Region mittels LEGO® Serious Play® jenseits abgedroschener Worthülsen und Schachtelsätze über die Politik für morgen debattieren. Die Kandidaten werden ihre Ideen und Konzepte anhand von Lego-Modellen visualisieren. Die im Unternehmensumfeld für Strategie-Workshops erprobte Lego Serious Play® Methode sorgt so für „Politik zum Anfassen“. In Deutschland läuft die Wirtschaft aktuell "rund". Aber wie ist es langfristig um Deutschlands Wettbewerbsfähigkeit bestellt? Welchen Plan haben die Kandidaten bei Digitalisierung, Bildung, Bürokratieabbau & Regulierung. Es bauen und diskutieren mit unserer Moderatorin Berit Moßbrugger: Stefan Rebmann, MdB   SPD Nikolas Löbel                CDU Dr. Danyal Bayaz           BÜNDNIS 90 / DIE GRÜNEN Florian Kußmann           FDP Erleben wir „konstruktive Politik“ und vier spannende Bundestagswahl-Kandidaten aus unserer Region! Anmeldung für Wirtschaftsjunioren und externe Gäste hier auf unserer Vereinonline Plattform. Bei Anmeldung über ist keine erneute Anmeldung hier über Vereinonline notwendig. Die Plätze sind begrenzt, bitte meldet Euch bis spätestens 08. September 2017 an. Einlass ab 18.30, Start ist 19.00 Uhr. Eure Wirtschaftsjunioren des Arbeitskreises kritisches Engagement in Politik und Gesellschaft
    [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]
2017, Feb.

Play4Agile 2017, Rückertsbach, Germany

Play4Agile Un-Conference Play4Agile is for Agile and Lean coaches, facilitators, game and innovation experts who want to exchange questions, ideas and experiences on using games in teams and organisations. Play4Agile provides an open playground to inspire each other and to learn how using serious games can help us achieve our goals. Play4Agile is a gathering of experienced peers from all over the world to create and play games in an inspiring environment. [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2016, Dec.

Agile In The City Manchester 2017: "Product Owner Challenge 3.0"

Agile In The City ManchesterAt Agile In The City Manchester 2017, I present a workshop on my "Product Owner Challenge Game". Product Owner Challenge is an agile game with Lego bricks. It supports organisations in transitioning from waterfall to agile.

The game illustrates the agile mindset to a waterfall-driven product development culture: stop micro-management and communicate face-to-face clear objectives, requirements, and product vision. In the workshop, you'll experience the importance of 'walk and talk' objectives, collaboration, clear product visioning, and trust in the DevTeam - real challenges for traditional-minded product development departments.

Website: Tickets: [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2016, Dec.

Agile In The City Birmingham 2017: "Product Owner Challenge 3.0"

Agile In The City Birmingham At Agile In The City Birmingham 2017, I present a workshop on my "Product Owner Challenge Game". Product Owner Challenge is an agile game with Lego bricks. It supports organisations in transitioning from waterfall to agile.

The game illustrates the agile mindset to a waterfall-driven product development culture: stop micro-management and communicate face-to-face clear objectives, requirements, and product vision. In the workshop, you'll experience the importance of 'walk and talk' objectives, collaboration, clear product visioning, and trust in the DevTeam - real challenges for traditional-minded product development departments.

Website: Tickets: [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2016, Jun.

Univ. Hannover, Academic Lecture: LEGO Serious Play

LEGO Serious Play workshop — Team Building & Collaboration I will have the pleasure and honour to hold a lectureship at the winter semester 2016/2017 at the University of Hannover, Institute for Interdisciplinary Ergonomics. This chair offers extra-occupational studies as weekend centred 2-days workshops for "students" having a professional occupation. Together with Sonja Hartmann I will give a 2-days combined introduction lecture and workshop "LEGO Serious Play". More info (PDF)       [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]    

2016, Jun.

Tools4AgileTeams T4AT2016: “Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einem Sprint und einem Penis?” – Laterales Denken, Agile Black & White Stories

T4AT-LogoSie sind schwarz, rätselhaft und durch und durch morbide. – Black Stories (ein Kartenspiel von Holger Bösch) sind rabenschwarze, im Team zu lösende Rätselgeschichten. Die Spieler tasten sich dabei durch Fragen und Raten Schritt für Schritt an den Tathergang heran. Agile Black & White Stories übertragen dies auf Grundprinzipien und Ideen von Scum, Agilität, und Lean. Die Teilnehmer diskutieren die Grundprinzipen und Verwendung und schreiben selbst Stories.

2016, Jun.

ACConf16: "Product Owner Challenge 3.0" - Cambridge, UK

Agile Cambridge Conference 2016 I'm glad and proud to have again — twice in sequence — the honour to present a workshop at Agile Cambridge 2016. My this year's workshop  is about my "Product Owner Challenge Game". "Product Owner Challenge" is an agile game with Lego bricks. It supports organisations in transitioning from waterfall to agile. The game illustrates the agile mindset to a waterfall-driven product development culture: stop micro-management and communicate face-to-face clear objectives, requirements, and product vision. In the workshop you'll experience the importance of 'walk and talk' objectives, collaboration, clear product visioning and trust in the DevTeam - real challenges for traditional-minded product development departments. Website: Tickets: [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2016, Jun.

agileworld2016, Munich

  agileworld Together with Gerald Fiesser I will present at agileworld2016 a session about the power of playing at the workplace. Starting with an introduction to LEGO Serious Play (LSP) we show how you can build high-performant teams, in which daily work is playful. The workshop participants will apply LEGO Serious Play techniques and the "Team Charter Canvas" tool to model team constellations. We will introduce the participants to the LEGO Serious Play (LSP) method. In an example, we will show how high-performing teams in which work is real fun can be built with LSP. With the "Team Charter Canvas", the participants will model  team constellations with LEGO Serious Play. Team chartering is a kind of self-organisation of (agile) teams. Teams define by themselves norms, values, regulations, goals, and visions. agileworld2016 program Further Readings

  [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2016, Apr.

ACCDE16: Agile Coach Camp Germany

Agile Coach Camp Germany is a three-day event that serves as an unconference for Agile coaches of Germany and other countries. The Agile Coach Camp Germany is a free, not-for-profit, practitioner-run event. Agile Coach Camp Germany follows the open space format for conferences. Open space is a simple methodology for self-organizing conference tracks. It relies on participation by people who have a passion for the topics to be discussed. There is no preplanned list of topics, only time slots and a space in the main meeting room where interested participants propose topics and pick time slots.   [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2016, Feb.

LSP Rhein-Main Meetup: 2. LSP Clinic — "Ich hätte da gern mal ein Problem..." — "I would like to have an objective..."

LEGO Serious Play Rhein-Main Meetup Topic of the evening: "Ich hätte da gerne mal ein Problem..."

...bring' es mit zu unserem Meetup!
Die LEGO Serious Play-Klinik ist eröffnet:
LEGO Serious Play Workshop Sie schlagen sich - beruflich oder privat - mit einem bestimmten Thema herum und möchten sehen, wie es mit LEGO Serious Play "spielerisch" gelöst werden könnte? Bringen Sie das Thema in unser  Meetup ein. Keine Sorge: "Everything what's in the meetup stays in the meetup!" An Euren echten Problemen wollen sehen, wie wir sie mit LEGO Serious Play lösen können!
LEGO Serious Play ist eine innovative und kreative Managementmethode, Probleme und Ziele — im beruflichen oder privaten Umfeld — zu lösen. Ich freue mich, Euch zahlreich zu sehen!
You are faced with a objective? - Bring it to our meetup! Make the experience how business or private objectives can be solved with LEGO Serious Play seriously and playfully! Don't panic: be aware "Everything what's in the meetup stays in the meetup!"
LEGO Serious Play is an innovative and creative problem-solving method to address management and business objectives. Hope to see plenty of you!

Registration to this event via Xing     [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button] Please note: This Meetup group has no legal or financial affiliation with the LEGO® Group. Even LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is owned by LEGO® Group who maintain all intellectual property rights, the method is public domain under Common Creative License. (Pls. read: Trademark guidelines/LEGO® IP rights)

2016, Feb.

LSP Rhein-Main Meetup: 1. LSP Clinic — "Ich hät' da gern mal ein Problem..." — "I would like to have an objective..."

LEGO Serious Play Rhein-Main Meetup Topic of the evening: "Ich hätte da gerne mal ein Problem..."

...bring' es mit zu unserem Meetup!
Die LEGO Serious Play-Klinik ist eröffnet:
LEGO Serious Play Workshop Sie schlagen sich - beruflich oder privat - mit einem bestimmten Thema herum und möchten sehen, wie es mit LEGO Serious Play "spielerisch" gelöst werden könnte? Bringen Sie das Thema in unser  Meetup ein. Keine Sorge: "Everything what's in the meetup stays in the meetup!" An Euren echten Problemen wollen sehen, wie wir sie mit LEGO Serious Play lösen können!
LEGO Serious Play ist eine innovative und kreative Managementmethode, Probleme und Ziele — im beruflichen oder privaten Umfeld — zu lösen. Ich freue mich, Euch zahlreich zu sehen! Dieses Meetup findet statt zusammen mit der Agile Usergroup Rhein-Main (Meetup Group/Xing-Gruppe). Anmeldungen bitte ausschließlich nur über das gemeinsame Xing Event, damit wir alle den Überblick behalten.
[caption id="attachment_4669" align="alignleft" width="103"]Agile User Group Logo Agile User Group Rhein-Main [/caption]
You are faced with a objective? - Bring it to our meetup! Make the experience how business or private objectives can be solved with LEGO Serious Play seriously and playfully! Don't panic: be aware "Everything what's in the meetup stays in the meetup!"
LEGO Serious Play is an innovative and creative problem-solving method to address management and business objectives.
In cooperation with[caption id="attachment_4669" align="alignleft" width="103"]Agile User Group Logo Agile User Group Rhein-Main[/caption]
To get a clear view please register only via the joined Xing event .
Hope to see plenty of you!

Registration to this event via Xing     [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button] Please note: This Meetup group has no legal or financial affiliation with the LEGO® Group. Even LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is owned by LEGO® Group who maintain all intellectual property rights, the method is public domain under Common Creative License. (Pls. read: Trademark guidelines/LEGO® IP rights)

2016, Feb.

LSP Rhein-Main Meetup: "Ich hätte da mal ein Problem..." — "I am faced with an objective..."

LEGO Serious Play Rhein-Main Meetup Topic of the evening: "Ich hätte da mal ein Problem..."

...bring' es mit zu unserem Meetup!
Die LEGO Serious Play-Klinik ist eröffnet:
LEGO Serious Play Workshop Sie schlagen sich - beruflich oder privat - mit einem bestimmten Thema herum und möchten sehen, wie es mit LEGO Serious Play "spielerisch" gelöst werden könnte?Bringen Sie das Thema in unser  Meetup ein. Keine Sorge: "Everything what's in the meetup stays in the meetup!" Wir wollen an Euren echten Problemen sehen, wie wir sie mit LEGO Serious Play lösbar sind!
LEGO Serious Play ist eine innovative und kreative Managementmethode, Probleme und Ziele — im beruflichen oder privaten Umfeld — zu lösen. Ich freue mich, Euch zahlreich zu sehen!
You are faced with a objective? - Bring it to our meetup! Make the experience how business or private objectives can be solved with LEGO Serious Play seriously and playfully! Don't panic: be aware "Everything what's in the meetup stays in the meetup!"
LEGO Serious Play is an innovative and creative problem-solving method to address management and business objectives. Hope to see plenty of you!

Registration to this event via Xing     [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button] Please note: This Meetup group has no legal or financial affiliation with the LEGO® Group. Even LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is owned by LEGO® Group who maintain all intellectual property rights, the method is public domain under Common Creative License. (Pls. read: Trademark guidelines/LEGO® IP rights)

2016, Jan.

LSP Rhein-Main Meetup: Solve Your Real Problem

LEGO Serious Play Rhein-Main Meetup LSP Rhein-Main Meetup: Bring your real problem — we will solve them with LEGO Serious Play. LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) is a structured and facilitated workshop method for strategic decision making and problem resolution in business environments. This Meetup group is for anyone interested in using LEGO® Serious Play to solve business issues. It is a forum to exchange experiences as well for trained LSP facilitators as for all interested in the method. We meet at a regular basis each 2nd Monday a month (starting 8.6.2014) at: heimathafen Wiesbaden - Coworking Space & Café, Karlstrasse 22, 65185 D-Wiesbaden. Our hashtag is #LSPRheinMain; email: lsp-meetup (@) More:

Topic of the evening:

LSP Rhein-Main Meetup: Bring your real problem — we will solve them with LEGO Serious Play.

Wir wollen an einem Euren echten Problemen sehen, wie wir es mit LSP lösen können!   Ich freue mich, Euch zahlreich zu sehen ------------------------------------------------------ Bring your real problem — we will solve them with LEGO Serious Play. On one of your real problems, we want to investigate how to handle it with LSP. @heimathafen" we will meet 19:00-21:00. Hope to see plenty of you!

Registration to this event via the meetup group:     [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2016, Jan.

LSP Rhein-Main Meetup: Solve Your Real Problem with LEGO Serious Play

LEGO Serious Play Rhein-Main Meetup LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) is a structured and facilitated workshop method for strategic decision making and problem resolution in business environments. This Meetup group is for anyone interested in using LEGO® Serious Play to solve business issues. It is a forum to exchange experiences as well for trained LSP facilitators as for all interested in the method. We meet at a regular basis each 2nd Monday a month (starting 8.6.2014) at: heimathafen Wiesbaden - Coworking Space & Café, Karlstrasse 22, 65185 D-Wiesbaden. Our hashtag is #LSPRheinMain; email: lsp-meetup (@) More:

Topic of the evening: Wir wollen an einem Euren echten Problemen sehen, wie wir es mit LSP lösen können! Schickt Themenvorschläge (eines Euren aktuelle Probleme) bis Fr. 26.Jan an lsp- meetup(@) Ich wähle dann ein geeignetes aus. 😉 Unser Treffen ist wg. Rosenmontag ausnahmsweise 1.Feb. und wegen "Winterzeit im heimathafen" nur bis 21:00. Ich freue mich, Euch zahlreich zu sehen ------------------------------------------------------ On one of your real problems, we want to investigate how to handle it with LSP. Pls send your proposals to lsp-meetup(@) (deadline Fr. Jan. 26.) — I will choose a proper one 😉 Due to carneval (Rosenmaontag) our meetup is at Feb., 1. and due to "winter daylight time @heimathafen" we will meet 19:00-21:00. Hope to see plenty of you! [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2016, Jan.


Agile CologneParticipation at open-space event regarding to agile software development, Kanban, Lean, and related topics.   I facilitated two open space sessions: Agile Black Stories:

[scf-post-excerpt id="8704"], more...

Team Chartering with Team Charter Canvas and Lego Serious Play

[scf-post-excerpt id="8915"], more...

[su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2016, Jan.

Wie führt man mit LEGO Serious Play Retrospektiven durch?

LEGO Serious Play Rhein-Main Meetup   Retrospektiven werden im Projektalltag verwendet, um Erfahrungen zu reflektieren und Lernergebnisse zu identifizieren. Sie sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des "continous improvement".   Retrospektiven werden meist in den folgenden 5 Schritten durchgeführt (Esther Derby, Diana Larsen: „Agile Retrospectives“):  

  1. Set the Stage 

    • Intro: Begrüßung, Klärung der Ziele der Retrospektive
  2. Gather Data

    • Fakten sammeln: Was ist in letzter Zeit geschehen? Was war gut? Was war schlecht? Gibt es Daten über Qualität/Produktivität, etc.?
  3. Genereate insights

    • Erfahrungen und Lernergebnisse identifiziern.
  4. Decide what to do

    • Was wollen wir konkret wie und wann ändern?
    • Next Steps definieren.
  5. Close the Retrospektive

    • Zusammenfassung, Verabschiedung

  Am Beispiel Wie können wir das Meetup für 2016 besser machen? ----------------------------- Survey: How can we improve the meetup for 2016? untersuchen wir, wie Retrospektiven ("Lessons Learned") mit LEGO Serious Play durchgeführt werden können. [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2016, Jan.

Play4Agile 2016, Rückertsbach, Germany

Play4Agile Un-Conference Play4Agile is for Agile and Lean coaches, facilitators, game and innovation experts who want to exchange questions, ideas and experiences on using games in teams and organisations. Play4Agile provides an open playground to inspire each other and to learn how using serious games can help us achieve our goals. Play4Agile is a gathering of experienced peers from all over the world to create and play games in an inspiring environment. [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2015, Dec.

Agile Stammtisch Frankfurt — POChallenge

I was invited by the Agile Stammtisch Frankfurt to give a workshop on POChallenge. "Product Owner Challenge Game" is an agile game played with Lego bricks to demonstrate a waterfall-driven product development the agile mindset. Contact: @as_ffm, #agileFFM,   [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]  

2015, Dec.

CoRe Day15 Wiesbaden

Coach Reflection Day - CoRe Day Logo

Coach Reflection Day - CoRe Day

The CoRe Day is a 1-day open space format for (Agile) coaches to train and learn in mutually supervised sessions and coaching dojos.     [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2015, Dec.

ScanAgile15: Scandinavian Agile Conference, Helsinki 2015

ScanAgile LogoI am happy and proud to had the great opportunity to give a @POChallenge workshop at the agile conference @ScanAgile, Helsinki, Finland, 10.-11.Mar.2015. Product Owner Challenge Game is an agile game played with Lego bricks to demonstrate a waterfall-driven product development the agile mindset. The Scan Agile Conference, organized by the Agile Finland will take place from 10th March to the 11th March 2015 in Helsinki, Finland.   [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2015, Dec.

ACCDE15: Agile Coach Camp Germany

Agile Coach Camp Germany is a three-day event that serves as an unconference for Agile coaches of Germany and other countries. The Agile Coach Camp Germany is a free, not-for-profit, practitioner-run event. Agile Coach Camp Germany follows the open space format for conferences. Open space is a simple methodology for self-organizing conference tracks. It relies on participation by people who have a passion for the topics to be discussed. There is no preplanned list of topics, only time slots and a space in the main meeting room where interested participants propose topics and pick time slots.   [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2015, Dec.

ACCDK15: Agile Coach Camp Denmark

Agile Coach Camp Denmark is a three-day event that serves as an unconference for Agile coaches of Denmark and other countries. The Agile Coach Camp Denmark is a free, not-for-profit, practitioner-run event. Agile Coach Camp Denmark follows the open space format for conferences. Open space is a simple methodology for self-organizing conference tracks. It relies on participation by people who have a passion for the topics to be discussed. There is no preplanned list of topics, only time slots and a space in the main meeting room where interested participants propose topics and pick time slots.   [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2015, Dec.

#play14 Luxembourg 2016

play14 At #play14.2016 Luxembourg, I the workshop experiment: [scf-post-title id="8951"].   [scf-post-excerpt id="8951"]. (more)   #play14 is an international gathering for people who share the idea that playing is a great way to teach, learn and understand! Many different profiles of people are invited to share serious games, good practices, tips, knowledge, laughs and smiles in a common goal of spreading new ways to teach, learn, create or train. These profiles could be for example (and not exhaustively): serious gamers, learning-by-doing practitioners, games designers, serious games facilitators from various communities like agile, teachers, specialists, service designer, actors, improvisers, therapists, speech therapists, creativity, Human Resources managers.   [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2015, Dec.

#play14 Luxembourg 2015

play14#play14 is an international gathering for people who share the idea that playing is a great way to teach, learn and understand! Many different profiles of people are invited to share serious games, good practices, tips, knowledge, laughs and smiles in a common goal of spreading new ways to teach, learn, create or train. These profiles could be for example (and not exhaustively): serious gamers, learning-by-doing practitioners, games designers, serious games facilitators from various communities like agile, teachers, specialists, service designer, actors, improvisers, therapists, speech therapists, creativity, Human Resources managers.   [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2015, Dec.

Play4Agile 2015, Rückertsbach, Germany

Play4Agile Un-Conference Play4Agile is for Agile and Lean coaches, facilitators, game and innovation experts who want to exchange questions, ideas and experiences on using games in teams and organisations. Play4Agile provides an open playground to inspire each other and to learn how using serious games can help us achieve our goals. Play4Agile is a gathering of experienced peers from all over the world to create and play games in an inspiring environment.   [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2015, Aug.

CoRe Day15 Kassel

Coach Reflection Day - CoRe Day Logo

Coach Reflection Day - CoRe Day

The CoRe Day is a 1-day open space format for (Agile) coaches to train and learn in mutually supervised sessions and coaching dojos.     [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2015, Aug.

T4AT15: Team-Chartering with LEGO

Tools4AgileTeams Team chartering is generally only used at the start of a project, and team charters tend to be quite universal. In this workshop, we will use the 'Lego Serious Play' method to develop a team-specific team charter, which is suited to team goals and adapted continuously. You'll be able to use it in your own organisation. The conference language is German. More Info: Website: Tickets: [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2015, Aug.

ACConf15: Do I need a "Prime Directive"? (Cambridge, UK)

  agilecambridge2015Team Chartering is generally used at the start of a project only, and team charters tend to be quite general and abstract. See here for more information about Team Chartering. In this hands-on session of Agile Cambridge Conference 2015, we will use the 'Lego Serious Play' method to develop a team-specific team charter, which fits individual team goals and can be adapted continuously. You'll be able to use it in your own organisation.   [slideshare id=53256711&doc=primedirective-teamcharterv0-150928012054-lva1-app6892] [TeamCharterCanvas-Poster-A0] More Info on the conference: Website: Tickets: [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2015, Aug.

LSP Rhein-Main Meetup: Levels of Abstraction

LEGO Serious Play Rhein-Main Meetup LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) is a structured and facilitated workshop method for strategic decision making and problem resolution in business environments. This Meetup group is for anyone interested in using LEGO® Serious Play to solve business issues. It is a forum to exchange experiences as well for trained LSP facilitators as for all interested in the method. We meet at a regular basis each 2nd Monday a month (starting 8.6.2014) at: heimathafen Wiesbaden - Coworking Space & Café, Karlstrasse 22, 65185 D-Wiesbaden. Our hashtag is #LSPRheinMain; email: lsp-meetup (@) More:

Topic of the evening: There are 7 levels of abstraction to run a LSP workshop. We will play and introduce them all:

  • Building Individual Models
  • Building Shared Models
  • Creating a Landscape
  • Creating Connections
  • Building a System
  • Playing Emergences and Decisions
  • Extracting Simple Guideline

Registration to this event via the meetup group:     [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2015, Aug.

LSP Rhein-Main Meetup: Team Building — Why you need a Team Charter?

LEGO Serious Play Rhein-Main Meetup LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) is a structured and facilitated workshop method for strategic decision making and problem resolution in business environments. This Meetup group is for anyone interested in using LEGO® Serious Play to solve business issues. It is a forum to exchange experiences as well for trained LSP facilitators as for all interested in the method. We meet at a regular basis each 2nd Monday a month (starting 8.6.2014) at: heimathafen Wiesbaden - Coworking Space & Café, Karlstrasse 22, 65185 D-Wiesbaden. Our hashtag is #LSPRheinMain; email: lsp-meetup (@) More:

  Topic of the evening:

LEGO® Serious Play & Team Building: Why you need a Team Charter?

Wozu braucht ein Team eine Team Charter? - Wie findet man von allen akzeptierte, gemeinsame Werte und Richlinien für die Zusammenarbeit? - Natürlich mit LEGO Serious Play! A Team Charter is a plan of how the team will work together; it is an agreement involving everyone to set values, achievable standards, and protocols for the team collaboration. We will experiment how to create a Team Charter with LSP:

  • Individual value sets
  • Common shared value sets
  • Steps to implement a Team Charter.

Registration to this event via the meetup group:     [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2015, Aug.

LSP Rhein-Main Meetup: Why Warm-ups? - Wozu brauchen wir Warm-Ups?

LEGO Serious Play Rhein-Main Meetup Why Warm-ups? - Wozu brauchen wir Warm-Ups? Ein LEGO Serious Play Workshop dauert mindestens 1-2 Std. oft sogar länger. Das Warm-up zum Workshop dauert meist 30-45min. Wozu brauchen wir das? Kommt mit Euren Fragen und Erfahrungen! -------------------------- A LEGO Serious Play workshop takes at least 1-2 hours, often much longer. The associated warm-up only 30-45min. Do we have to do it? Bring-in your experiences and questions!

LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) is a structured and facilitated workshop method for strategic decision making and problem resolution in business environments. This Meetup group is for anyone interested in using LEGO® Serious Play to solve business issues. It is a forum to exchange experiences as well for trained LSP facilitators as for all interested in the method. We meet at a regular basis each 2nd Monday a month (starting 8.6.2014) at: heimathafen Wiesbaden - Coworking Space & Café, Karlstrasse 22, 65185 D-Wiesbaden. Our hashtag is #LSPRheinMain; email: lsp-meetup (@) More:

  Registration to this event via the meetup group:     [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2015, Aug.

LSP Rhein-Main Meetup: Facilitation of LSP workshops — Moderation von LSP Workshops

LEGO Serious Play Rhein-Main Meetup LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) is a structured and facilitated workshop method for strategic decision making and problem resolution in business environments. This Meetup group is for anyone interested in using LEGO® Serious Play to solve business issues. It is a forum to exchange experiences as well for trained LSP facilitators as for all interested in the method. We meet at a regular basis each 2nd Monday a month (starting 8.6.2014) at: heimathafen Wiesbaden - Coworking Space & Café, Karlstrasse 22, 65185 D-Wiesbaden. Our hashtag is #LSPRheinMain; email: lsp-meetup (@) More:

  Topic of the evening:

Facilitation of LSP workshops — Moderation von LSP Workshops

  • Worauf muß man bei der Durchführung eines Lego Serious Play Workshops achten? Was macht einen "guten" LSP-Facilitator aus?

Registration to this event via the meetup group:     [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2015, Aug.

LSP Rhein-Main Meetup: Was erwarten Teilnehmer von LSP Workshops?

LEGO Serious Play Rhein-Main Meetup LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) is a structured and facilitated workshop method for strategic decision making and problem resolution in business environments. This Meetup group is for anyone interested in using LEGO® Serious Play to solve business issues. It is a forum to exchange experiences as well for trained LSP facilitators as for all interested in the method. We meet at a regular basis each 2nd Monday a month (starting 8.6.2014) at: heimathafen Wiesbaden - Coworking Space & Café, Karlstrasse 22, 65185 D-Wiesbaden. Our hashtag is #LSPRheinMain; email: lsp-meetup (@) More:

  Teilnehmerwartungen an LEGO Serious Play Workshops Was erwarten Teilnehmer von einem LEGO Serious Play Workshop? In den bisherigen Meetups haben wir die Erwartung an Facilitator-Kompetenz und entsprechende Übungen  besprochen, doch was wollt ihr als Teilnehmer?

Registration to this event via the meetup group:     [su_button url="" icon="icon: arrow-right"]View calendar[/su_button]

2014, Sep.

Annual Conference Agile Consortium Netherlands 2014

In Sept. 2014, the Annual Conference Agile Consortium NL will take place at Ermelo NL. This year's motto is "Walk the Talk — Talk the Walk" ('WTTW). I'm invited to share my theatre stage experience as actor and director as well as Agile Coach. Thus, I will present a broad toolbox of communication skills for Agilists in my workshop:

"Drama babe! – Theatre Stage Experience for Agilists"

The participants will discover basic stage techniques to improve their presentation skills "live on stage":

  • How to prepare your stage: onstage, offstage, and audience space
  • How to use light, sound, costumes, and props properly
  • How to rehearse & improve your presentation properly
  • How to use your body language properly

Speakers & Program

2014, Mar.

Work Is Play 2014, Schelle (Belgium) 2014 — #WisP14

At the open space conference Work Is Play 2014 at Schelle (Antwerpen), Belgium, I present a session on customer experience: tell your product development story as a kind of Hero Quest: [scf-post-excerpt id="331"] See more