Project Description

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Project ID: 1538

Product Development / Strategy Workshop (Automotive)

Time 02/2014
Duration: 1 day workshop; 2 days preparation
Role: Facilitator / Moderator
Abstract: Reading Time: 2 minutesFacilitating a LEGO Serious Play workshop: international sales directors of an automotive supplier came together with upper management to discuss how to achieve new business goals for 2014/2015.
Description: All international sales directors (120 ppl.) of an automotive supplier came together at a 3-day gathering with upper management to discuss how to achieve new business goals for 2014/2015. In behave of an external agency I facilitated together with 5 additional facilitators a LEGO Serious Play workshop (12 tables with 10 participants each) to brainstorm steps needed to achieve the new business objective: “Achieve additional x% sales surplus.” After a warm-up exercise fiddling with the LEGO bricks the participants ran the Lego Serious Play method on two levels of abstraction: individual and organisational level.

Lego Serious Play 1: “Individual Models — Building Professional Milestones”

The participants on each table were asked to built a personal model of their most important professional milestones (either at the current company or a previous one). At each table all participants shared their stories by explaining their models built.

Lego Serious Play 2: “Individual Models — Where do you see potential to achieve the business goals”

The participants on each table were asked to built a model of a realistic future perspective from their personal view. At each table all participants shared their stories by explaining their models built.

Lego Serious Play 3: “Shared Models — Where do you see potential to achieve the business goals?”

The participants on each table were asked to built a combined model of all views shared on the table. The participants on each table were mixed arbitrarily — national or department overlaps were by random only. For each table a transcript writer was selected and each group came together with a common shared meaning of the model built.

Follow-up Session”

We closed the Lego Serious Play workshop with the potentials identified at each table how to achieve the business goals. With this information the participants and upper management started a new workshop session to identify steps needed for implementation.

Size: 120 ppl.
Industry: Automotive

: dinosaur shots, via, .