Content Archive
"Agile Black and White Stories", or What's The Difference between a Sprint and a Penis?
"Agile Black and White Stories" is a card game fostering your lateral thinking. It is a variant of Black Stories game. Your challenge is to identify Agile concepts by asking ...
"Augenhöhe" — New Leadership & Management Culture
Create workplaces where people can develop their full potential and use all their talents. The movie "AUGENHÖHE" shows 6 companies who are already doing this ...
"Black Stories" - Empower Your Creativity with Lateral Thinking
"Black Stories" are a gaming format where the players have to find out what had happened in a certain situation starting with an initial teaser as a hint. They are ...
15 Anti-Patterns To Spoil Your KPIs Most Effectively
Imagine, your organisation wants to introduce metrics and KPIs expecting strategic improvements. How should you behave? Here are 15 antipatterns to spoil any initiative ...
20 Success Factors Of Organisational Change
You can not change the culture of your business or organisation. In organisational change initiatives, you are confronted with Resistance, Fear, Loss of Trust, No-Commitment, Resignation. However, there are some ...
Acting — Character Creation with Lego Serious Play and Moving Motivators
In rehearsals, the actors try together with the director to enter as deep as possible into the character he/she will present on stage. We did it with Lego Serious Play ...
Action Learning
Action Learning facilitation (AL) is a process to foster learning by working on real problems and actually implementing solutions. It is a form of learning by doing. AL is grounded ...
Agile Coaching and Project Team Leading — What's the difference?
Agile Coaches focuse on Agile practices and orient themself at the Agile Manifesto: (1) people and interactions; (2) delivery working software; (3) customer collaboration; and (4) responding to change. The ...
Agile Game "The Drama Game" at ACCDE14
Workshop "The Drama Game" at Agile Coach Camp, Germany #ACCDE14, 06/2014. “The Drama Game” is a Story Telling Game for retrospectives. Objective is to analyse conflicts and hidden and hidden ...
Agile Games
Agile Games are serious instruments to solve real business issues in management, product development and team building and other important areas. The term "agile" is more about delivering the highest ...
Appraisal Requirements for CMMI — What is it?
The Appraisal Requirements for CMMI (ARC) defines the requirements considered essential to appraisal methods intended for use with Capability Maturity Model Integration CMMI models. In addition, a set of appraisal ...
Appreciation Cards, Kudo Wall And Kudo Box
Appreciation Cards – Kudo Cards – are written and public recognition of a colleague for something he or she has contributed to the team. But it’s the recognition of valued ...
Appreciative Inquiry
Appreciative Inquiry facilitation (AI) builds on the present potential of a given person, organisation or situation to envision the future. AI challenges organisations to take a strengths-based approach when assessing ...
Art of Hosting
Art of Hosting is a highly effective way of tackling the collective wisdom and self-organizing capacity of groups of any size. It is a participative approach for leading, convening and ...
Automotive SPICE
Automotive SPiCE is a process maturity framework to assess the capability and maturity of organisational processes to develop software resp. embedded systems in the automotive industry. It is a variant ...
Automotive SPICE® Process Training for Managers — (1 day)
1 day training (English) „Automotive SPICE® for Managers“. The training presents ISO 15504 Process Reference Model (PRM), Process Assessment Model (PAM) in details for system engineers (HW/SW embedded systems development) ...
Ball Point Game - Introducing Agile By The Fun Way
The Ball Point Game is a great opportunity to introduce people to basic agile principles and values in a fun and all-senses involving way. It simulates an agile production process ...
- May-22 Why Underestimating Our Product Value Is Dangerous (Agile, Design Thinking, Product Development)Companies having an indifferent understanding of their own product values lack a product vision and product definition. They have a conception of the output only, but they don't have an overall conception of the outcome their products...
- May-18 The Need for Product Resilience in Volatile Times (Agile, Design Thinking, Product Development)To create resilience in Product Development, identify product variants as unique products; slice your value streams by customer-centric end-to-end product thinking only; and install product teams as cross-functional, cross-department entities...
- Apr-11 The Product Owner's Responsibility - Creating Business Value or Creating Something Else? (Agile, Design Thinking, Product Development)Is Business Value only determined by maximising features delivered fitting the right time to ship the product to market? — Or do other aspects add relevant...
- Feb-24 Communicate Your Reaction Scheme of Decision-Making (Agile, Decision-making)Scrum-Land is a harsh and barren habitat to live in. It is difficult to enter Scrum-Land. And if we stay in Scrum-Land, we always have to inspect, how to make our living more comfortable and easier. However, there are some guidelines to make life...
- Feb-16 Product Development: Keep it Simple! (Agile, Product Development)Modern Product Development is complex by nature. You can't simplify everything. Complexity can be beautiful. Nevertheless, the decision to make the product as simple as possible and stripping it down is sometimes the better...
- Feb-16 Scrum is a Framework For Product Discovery AND Delivery (Agile, Product Development)Doing Scrum with a value-driven mindset combines both: product discovery and product delivery. First, we start with an idea or problem solution (MVP). Then we refine and sharpened this idea continuously by demoing and discussing with the customer till together we agree on the best-suited product...
- Feb-11 Facettes of Business Value (Agile, Product Development)The notion of Business Value has multiple facets. Commercial Value is the functionality or work that translates into profit directly. Market Value increases the potential number of customers. Efficiency Value increases organizational efficiency and thereby decreases operating costs. Future Value...
- Jan-29 The Scrum-Land Survival Guide — How To Survive In Scrum-Land (Agile, Agile Contract, Product Development, Scrum)Scrum-Land is a harsh and barren habitat to live in. It is difficult to enter Scrum-Land. And if we stay in Scrum-Land, we always have to inspect, how to make our living more comfortable and easier. However, there are some guidelines to make life...
- Jan-26 Products and Their Usefulness (Agile, Design Thinking, Product Development)When you ask Teams or Product Owners the question "What is your Product?" they often first answer with a list of functions and features. In the second attempt, then they describe the purpose from the view of the engineers and designers, and how they intend it. Very seldom does the customer...
- Jan-19 How To Manage Dependencies (Agile, Design Thinking, Product Development)Software Project Management is managing all kinds of Dependencies. We have to deal with Technical Dependencies due to the SW tools we use and the product architecture decisions we agreed to. And we have to deal with non-Technical Dependencies caused by workflow and team dependencies due to the...
- Jan-16 Who Benefits From Product Value In Scrum? (Agile, Design Thinking, Product Development, Scrum)If you dive into Agile Product Development, resp. in Agile Software Development you get into a lot of new and abstract terms. One of the most blurred and therefore most fascinating ones is "Value" resp. "Product Value". However, the Scrum Guide 2020 is keeping very quiet about an explanation. In...
- Jan-13 What is Product Discovery & Product Delivery? (Agile, Design Thinking, Product Development)Product Discovery and Delivery are crucial in Product Development. In Product Discovery, we identify additional opportunities. In Product Delivery, we test continuously together with the customer our implementation....
- Jan-10 What Are Agile Product Roadmaps? (Agile, Design Thinking, Product Development)In the traditional way, a Product Roadmap states when and which functionality will be released. The Roadmap is aligned with business strategy and release dates. It is a kind of Roadmap, a long-term plan. Instead, an Agile Roadmap is more about communicating our product strategy than it is about...
- Jan-10 The Cynefin Framework (Agile, Decision-making)The Cynefin Framework, created by Dave Snowden is a framework for sensemaking when finding decisions. It draws on research into systems theory, Complexity theory, network theory and learning theories. It helps to identify how we perceive situations and make sense of our own and other people's...
- Jan-05 How To Kill Your Product Best — 6 Product Delivery Anti-Patterns (Agile, Design Thinking, Product Development)You can sabotage your product delivery by focusing on customer/user feedback over product vision, by changing given requirements or by adding new requirements too often. In delivering a product there are six well-known anti-patterns: Product Death Cycle, Product Build Trap, Feature Hell, Experience...
- Jan-03 The Notion Of Value In Agile And Lean Development (Lean Thinking, Product Development)In Lean Development/Manufacturing resp. Lean Production value is attached to „Value-adding“ and „non-Value-adding“ activities. it is not related to customer needs or usage. In Agile Product Development, “value” is interpreted...
- Dec-28 Stacey Matrix (Agile, Decision-making)Ralph Douglas Stacey, professor of management theory at Hertfordshire Business School, UK, invented the so-called Stacey-Matrix. In its original form, the Stacey-Matrix deals with decision-making in complex organizations. Today, the Stacey-Matrix is often combined with the Cynefin...
- Dec-01 Slicing User Stories. Make the Customer Happy — The Good and the Bad Way (Agile, Product Development)To make customers happy, we have to have a potentially shippable and executable Increment at the end of each Sprint. There are many ways to slice or split User Stories to accomplish this. Here are the Good and the Bad Ways to do...
- Nov-30 Don't Use Story Points for Billing & Procurement! (Agile, Agile Contract, Product Development)Story point estimates are relative and subjective, factoring in a team's unique blend of experience and skills. They shouldn't be used for procurement and billing. According to the Hawthorne effect, Story points-based procurement incentivizes the delivery of Story Points, not the value, and by...
- Oct-10 How To Create A Common Glossary For Agile Value Creation (Agile, Communication, Design Thinking, Product Development)Many agile glossaries still refer strongly to software development. but since Scrum Guide 2017/20 the new paradigm is Agile Product Development. One of the most blurred and therefore most fascinating concept is "Value" resp. "Product Value". We lay the foundation for a shared common Glossary...
- Sep-30 Thoughts on Agile Value-Driven Product Development (Agile, Design Thinking, Product Development)Many companies show big misconceptions in using the notions of value and value-creation. Value is hard to measure. To measure the value of their products, companies often tend to place different kinds of proxies there. However, the Agile Community, Agile Product Development, and Design...
- Sep-12 Bundestagskandidaten 2021 erklären ihre Wahlprogramme mit Lego-Modellen (LEGO Serious Play)Eine ganz andere Anwendung von Lego Serious Play: Politik zum Anfassen. Ne, nicht die Politiker, sondern ihre Ideen. Die Wirtschaftsjunioren Rheinland-Pfalz haben nämlich für die Bundestagswahl 2021 zum gemeinsamen LEGO-Bauen eingeladen: Und verlangt wurde, dass was sich wahrscheinlich jeder...
- Oct-02 The Agile Coach Game (Agile Game)The Agile Coach Game is murderous fun for Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters, and Agile Teams. It is based on the game mechanics of Trial by Trolley™, Explosm LLC, and Skybound, a game of moral dilemmas and trolley murder. You are placed in the role of an agile coach deciding which of two teams shows...
- Dec-25 Happiness Index Tools (Team building)Several tools were developed to facilitate, measure and visualize happiness on the project and team level. This post collects publicly available (free) online tools and methods to assess team...
- Dec-25 Happy Crisper Index (Team building)Happy Crisper Index is a free Google Spreadsheet calculate the happiness index for the well-known Swedish consultancy company CRISP in a team or a company throughout a...
- Dec-25 Team Dynamics Analytics (Jira) (Team building)Team Dynamics Analytics (Jira) is an app to collect team...
- Dec-25 NikoNikoApp (Win10 Microsoft) (Team building)NikoNikoApp (Win10 Microsoft) is an app to collect team...
- Dec-19 Board of Innovation — Brainstorming Cards (Creativity)This is a collection of 52 cards from Board of Innovation, Belgium, to help you brainstorm and come up with new ideas. Use them as a catalyst for smarter, more unique ideation...
- Dec-18 Culture Hacking — The Essentials (Culture hack)Culture hacking at its best is about creating organisational or team cultures that enable people and teams to achieve greatness. A culture hack is a small change exploiting a single area where your culture is vulnerable to change. Hacks are small, emotional, immediate changes having big impacts....
- Nov-29 Kanban – Whaa, I released a Monster! – 10 Recommendations (Kanban)If you work in services or technology, your work is often times invisible and intangible. A Kanban board makes your work visible so you can show it to others and keep everyone on the same page. If you start with Kanban the first time you might be shocked by the monsters you create because the board...
- Nov-23 Pitfalls of Traditional Organisational Change Management (Org.Chg.Mgmt)According to John Kotter, Professor at Harvard Business School, 70-80% of all organisational initiatives fail. Change is Disruptive. You may think the change you want to implement is trivial, but it can have tremendous effect on the person asking to change. Change always brings disruption to the...
- Nov-23 Lean Change Management — What is the Secret Sauce? (Lean Change Management)Lean Change Management is based on the metaphor that any change initiative can be thought of as a startup. People affected by change become involved and accountable by co-creating the change. Short and closed feedback loops transfer the reaction of the people involved to continuously adapt the...
- Nov-16 Strategie- und Lösungspotentiale von LEGO™ Serious Play™ (LEGO Serious Play)This blog post is available in German only. – Wir leben in einer Welt komplizierter und komplexer Probleme. Wenn die möglichen Lösungen dieser Probleme auch noch für uns unangenehme Konsequenzen haben ("wicked problems"), neigen wir oft dazu, sie auszusitzen. LEGO™ Serious Play™ als...
- Oct-20 How-Might-We Questioning (Design Thinking)How-Might-We Questioning is a format to reframe issues in opportunity statements to spark creativity, brainstorming, and innovation: How might we make our entrance more inviting that our visitors feel more at home. How-Might-We Questions are a simple way to improve your products or...
- Oct-19 Lightning Decision Jam (Decision-making, Facilitation, Game)Lightning Decision Jam (LDJ) is a format for group decisioning. All open, unstructured discussion are replaced with a clear, timeboxed structured process. LDJ has its background in design...
- Oct-16 Creativity Techniques (Creativity, Design Thinking, Innovation)Kreativitätstechniken und Kreativitätsmethoden lassen sich grundsätzlich in intuitive und diskursive Ansätze aufteilen. Intuitive Ansätze liefern in kurzer Zeit sehr viele Ideen. Sie fördern Gedankenassoziationen bei der Suche nach neuen Ideen. Diskursive Ansätze dagegen führen den Prozess...
- Oct-07 Design Thinking – What it is & Why it Works (Design Thinking)Design thinking started as a human-centric framework for problem solving, focusing not on single objects but on systems instead: the single object and it's context of use as well the user. In this sense design is more than look-n-feel. Steve Jobs phrased it in his own extreme consequence:...
- Sep-03 Ramon Vullings & Marc Heleven: 27 Creativity & Innovation Techniques (Creativity)27 Creativity & Innovation Techniques. 27 creativity & innovation tools is an overview of various commonly used techniques in creativity, innovation, research & development processes. All in one-pager. The techniques are grouped by Diverging & Converging techniques, Open & Closed challenges /...
- Aug-31 Portal: Innovation Games (Innovation Game)Innovation Games are collaboration frameworks that you can play online or in-person with your colleagues and customers. Innovation Games help you to accurately predict what customers want, need, and will pay...
- Aug-31 Portal: Gamestorming (Innovation)Gamestorming - A toolkit for innovators, rule-breakers and changemakers. Gamestorming is a set of co-creation tools used by innovators around the world....
- Aug-30 Board of Innovation (Design Thinking)Board of Innovation. Belgium Innovation consultant company shares free, hands-on, easy-to-use, actionable innovation...
- Aug-29 Portal: DESIGNPILOT-Creativity Techniques (Creativity)DesignPilot. Web application (Android, iOS, Windows) created by Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Coburg, Fakultät Design. The TOOLBOX is public accessible web space with currently 172 tools for product development and 77 creativity techniques (in German...
- Aug-29 Portal: DESIGNPILOT (Design Thinking)DesignPilot. Web application (Android, iOS, Windows) created by Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Coburg, Fakultät Design. The TOOLBOX is public accessible web space with currently 172 tools for product development and 77 creativity techniques (in German...
- Aug-28 Portal: The Open Innovation Toolkit (Design Thinking)The Open Innovation Toolkit is a community-sourced set of best practices and principles to help you incorporate human-centered design into your product development process. The toolkit is driven by
- Aug-27 Portal: Stanford.d Design School (Design Thinking)The well-known Stanford.d Design School brings you a collection of tools for design...
- Aug-27 Portal: Interaction Design Foundation (Design Thinking)The well-known Interaction Design Foundation brings you a collection of tools design...
- Aug-27 Design Thinking Techniques (Design Thinking)Collection of publicly available free tools and methods for Design...
- Aug-27 DesignKit – (Design Thinking) brings you tools for human-centered design as a practical, repeatable approach to arriving at innovative solutions....
- Feb-14 Levels of Commitment (Communication, Team building)Commitments are the fundaments of all collaboration. You are not alone in a certain task, challenge or endeavour if I commit myself to support, to assist, or to help you. If I refuse or withdraw my commitment you are maybe lost. Giving and accepting commitment creates trust. I rely on your...
- Feb-08 Pass or Check-out – Take Care, Show Responsibility (Communication, Team building)Do you are familiar with Death By Meetings? As a dedicated disciple of the Core Protocols, you are generally positively inclined to everything you do. Use the Personal Alignment protocol to identify what blocks you. – And it is your freedom and autonomy to Check-Out or...
- Feb-08 Protocol Check – Prevent Getting Hijacked (Communication, Team building)Use the Protocol Check to stop being hijacked. Use the Protocol Check when you believe someone misuses a core protocol or breaks a core commitment in any...
- Feb-01 Show With Minimal Effort Your Respect, Commitment, Engagement, And Concerns (Communication, Team building)Use this 6 linguistic triggers and 2 communication patterns to show with minimal effort your commitment, engagement, and...
- Jan-27 The Core Protocols – Make Yourself And Your Team Great (Communication, Team building)Productive and high-performing teams need psychological safety. Jim and Michele McCarthy's Core Protocols are an instrument to ensure this safety. This set of practices enables people and teams to learn results-oriented behaviour, enter a state of shared vision and stay there focused, trust each...
- Dec-17 The Gruffalo Kudo - The Appreciation Challenge Cup (Team building)The Gruffalo is a metaphor for fear, dauntlessness, and the luck of the tiny ones when getting great by using their phantasy only. Use a soft toy as challenge cup to show your...
- Dec-02 Tools To Foster Team Building (Team building)There are several tools available – online or offline, so to speak "physical objects" – to foster team...
- Dec-01 Happiness Hacking 1 – Tools To Track Happiness On Project And Team Level (Facilitation, Leadership)There are several tools available to facilitate, measure and visualize happiness on the project and team...
- Dec-01 Tools To Show Your Appreciation (Facilitation, Leadership)There are several tools available to give or facilitate appreciation. The range spans from techniques to moderate or facilitate workshops, to online services and physical objects to show recognition at the business...
- Nov-29 Six Rules To Give Rewards (Leadership, Team building)In most organisations, recognition and financial reward go one for the other. This approach misses the point of recognition: people are motivated by more than money. Six rules by With Jurgen Appelo to give rewards and to increase people’s performance and...
- Oct-30 Ball Point Game - Introducing Agile By The Fun Way (Agile Game)The Ball Point Game is a great opportunity to introduce people to basic agile principles and values in a fun and all-senses involving way. It simulates an agile production process. It is basically an analog of the scrum process. The team will self-organize and form a process based on the rules...
- Oct-30 Give Your Colleagues Their Daily Dose Of Appreciation — Bonus, Rewards, and Feedback (Leadership, Team building)Everybody becomes happy when getting a "Thank you", or be rewarded and be encouraged by a job well done. In the century business world financial bonus systems do not work anymore to motivate people properly. Instead, by following a few simple rules, you can reward and recognise employees...
- Oct-27 15 Anti-Patterns To Spoil Your KPIs Most Effectively (Leadership)Imagine, your organisation wants to introduce metrics and KPIs expecting strategic improvements. How should you behave? Here are 15 antipatterns to spoil any...
- Oct-12 Brown-Bag Lunch (Facilitation)Brown bag lunches are a format for internal employee training. They are an opportunity for employees to gather at lunchtime to share information about topics of interest in an informal setting. The meetings are either structured or unstructured and are used to transfer knowledge, solve problems,...
- Oct-06 Systemic Consensing — What the Hell is this? (Coaching, Communication, Decision-making, Facilitation)Consensus is time-consuming agreement, accord. Consensing instead is defined as having no significant objection. It does not require agreement, affirmation or even preference. Consent is reached by choosing the proposal with the least objections. The lowest level of objection — resistance —...
- Oct-06 Happiness Hacking 2 – 30 Happiness Strategies To Try in the Workplace (Team building)Give people a smile by showing them your appreciation and recognition. Try to stay off from generic emails or general praise cards. They will cheapen the gesture and feel more like an obligation than proper recognition. There are several approaches and strategies to support and achieve people...
- Oct-04 Consensing — How to Boost Your Slow Deciding Company (Decision-making)You can kill your business or any change initiative easily by traditional consensus-based decision-making. However, you can boost your organisational decisioning dramatically by systemic consensing. Systemic Consensing does not require any alignment of agreements, affirmation or even preference but...
- Sep-14 Wahlkampf Mal Anders: Bundestagskandidaten Bauen Lego (LEGO Serious Play)Eine ganz andere Anwendung von Lego Serious Play: Politik zum Anfassen. Ne, nicht die Politiker, sondern ihre Ideen. Die Mannheimer Wirtschaftsjunioren haben nämlich zum gemeinsamen LEGO-Bauen eingeladen: Und verlangt wurde, dass was sich wahrscheinlich jeder Bürger von Politikern wünscht:...
- Aug-30 S3 Canvas Series (Facilitation, Leadership, Team building)The S3 Canvas Series by Bernhard Bockelbrink has its offspring from the Sociocracy 3.0 movement. There are canvases to explore new business models or product ideas (
- Aug-24 Happy People are Productive People — Productivity, Team Happiness, and Team Morale (Team building)Team happiness, mindfulness, and mental sustainability are vital topics in current software management and product development. Happier people are more productive, is the mantra. Is this a reasonable way to...
- Aug-22 Psychological Safety — Why Employees Need It (Team building)Psychological safety is a shared belief that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking. In psychologically safe teams, team members feel accepted and respected. The team members share the belief that they are enabled to give voice to their ideas without fearing reprisal or rebuke....
- Jul-24 Happiness Door — An Alternate Feedback Tool for Events, Workshops, and Retrospectives (Facilitation)The Happiness Door is one of the Management 3.0 practices. It is a tool to give feedback continuously in workshops, events, or meetings in three categories: things that make attendees happy, things they feel neutral about and things they didn’t like. Usually, it is either an empty flipchart or...
- Jul-23 Happiness Index — How to Measure Something So Difficult To Catch (Team building)Employes, team members, rate frequently their (daily) happiness on a numeric scale (1–5). This rating is tracked on team or department level to visualize a team’s mood over time and to help teams and management to improve their happiness (Jeff Sutherland, ScrumInc; Hendriek Kniberg,...
- Jul-19 Niko-Niko Calender — Pros & Cons (Team building)A Niko-Niko calendar is a visual, iconic tool to track the mood of a team. You set up a calendar, and each team member tracks her mood after each working day with a...
- Jun-19 Techniques for Decision-making (Decision-making, Facilitation)There are several methods for Decision-making you can use in group decisioning or group facilitation. All of these are variants of Consensus-based decisioning or Majority Voting — aka Democratic Voting. A completely different approach is systemic...
- Apr-03 Appreciation Cards, Kudo Wall And Kudo Box (Leadership)Appreciation Cards – Kudo Cards – are written and public recognition of a colleague for something he or she has contributed to the team. But it’s the recognition of valued work, not financial incentives, that encourages intrinsic motivation within an...
- Mar-01 Self-Facilitation Card Deck (Facilitation)Use these 3 cards to ask in a meeting for a break, to end discussion of endless topics, or to stop digressing or starting violating...
- Feb-26 Team Morale — It's Traits and Secrets (Team building)Good morale means employee and teams are productive, collaborate better, and feel more satisfied by their work. If people feel good about their team, they’ll work seamlessly towards a common goal. High team morale is one of the essential building blocks of high performing...
- Jan-14 Mission, Vision, etc — What is the Difference? (Culture, Leadership, Lean Startup, Team building)A vision is stable and is part of the company identity. The vision is the Enterprise's “North Star”, and it should guide each and every decision your company makes. The vision is the embodiment of the brand and the reason the company exists. You pitch the vision.The mission is the...
- Nov-21 p4a17 - PlayApplication (Allgemein)Reading Time: < 1 minuteFor privacy reasons YouTube needs your permission to be loaded.I...
- Nov-03 Systems Thinking Primer (Lean Thinking, Systems Thinking)As a management discipline Systems Thinking concerns an understanding of a system by examining the linkages and interactions between the components that comprise the entirety of that defined system. The boundaries of a whole system may be chosen and defined at a level suitable for the particular...
- Oct-10 LEGO Serious Play in the Automotive Industry (Team building)The management and team and project leaders of the Afte Sales department of a Fortune 500+ german automotive OEM came together to envision and discuss future trends of their brand and business field in "2021". created a strategy visioning and brand building large group LEGO...
- Apr-11 Impact Mapping — How To Use It (Agile, Business Process Modeling)Impact mapping is visual mapping technique for product development. Gojko Adzic invented this method to align teams to business objectives, test mutual understanding of goals and expected outcomes with stakeholders, focus teams toward the highest value features to deliver, and enable collaborative...
- Mar-21 Team Values, LEGO Serious Play, and Team Charter Canvas (LEGO Serious Play, Team building)I ran an experiment: introduction to LEGO Serious Play with Team Chartering & Team Charter Canvas as field of application in a 60min workshop. I did the proof of concept with sessions at Agile Cologne 2016 and at #play14.2016...
- Mar-12 Lateral Thinking — How to Boost Your Creativity (Coaching, Facilitation)When we solve problems, when we ideate new concepts or when we generate new ideas, we generally choose between two different approaches: the vertical and the lateral thinking one. We do this unconsciously. Lateral thinking triggers fresh ideas by changing the frame of reference continuously. In...
- Mar-12 "Black Stories" - Empower Your Creativity with Lateral Thinking (Agile Game)"Black Stories" are a gaming format where the players have to find out what had happened in a certain situation starting with an initial teaser as a hint. They are a perfect example of de Bono's Lateral Thinking. Use them to inspirit your meetings and product...
- Mar-12 "Agile Black and White Stories", or What's The Difference between a Sprint and a Penis? (Agile Game)"Agile Black and White Stories" is a card game fostering your lateral thinking. It is a variant of Black Stories game. Your challenge is to identify Agile concepts by asking "Yes"/"No" questions starting from a given funny and tricky hint...
- Mar-05 Norms & Values — Why Team Building is Complex & How To Simplify It (Culture, Leadership)It's often claimed that teams are a community of people with equal values. That's not true. Team members might have a common normative structure to behave equally. However, these norms are based on values to which each team member may connect not equally with individual strength. To build teams on...
- Feb-20 Making a ride of PO Challenge Game @ European Commission (Agile Game, News, Product Owner)Pierre Neis and Oswald De Riemaecker facilitated the agile game Product Owner Challenge" (created by Michael Tarnowski) at the European Commission to show Agile Product Ownership. The participants...
- Feb-03 Survey Website User Experience — Win a $20/€20 Amazon voucher! (Allgemein)Reading Time: < 1...
- Dec-21 You Consent, I Dissent — The Five Levels of Agreement (Coaching, Communication, Decision-making, Facilitation)Making decisions by consensus, people seldom agree equally to the decision found. Instead, they commit themselves to their own level of personal agreement. All of a sudden, you have ignored several levels of agreement. And sometimes to disagree is a sign of commitment. - Weird, isn't...
- Dec-21 Coloured Cards Voting (Decision-making, Game)Coloured Cards Voting is a simple version of the group decision Five-to-Fold facilitation for decision-making. A group has to decide in a very short time on a proposal and possible alternatives to solve the...
- Dec-19 Constellation Game (Decision-making, Facilitation, Game)Constellation Game is a playful transformation of the well-known system constellation method from systemic family therapy to the field of consensus-based...
- Dec-16 Consensus Decisioning — How to Find Minimal Viable Decisions (Decision-making, Facilitation)Consensus-based group decision-making is a cooperative process in which the voters develop and agree to support a decision in the best interest of the whole as a team. They do not only search for the agreement of most participants but also try to resolve or mitigate the objections of the minority...
- Dec-06 How To Align Organisational Change Agents To Common Goals (LEGO Serious Play, Org.Chg.Mgmt)A change agent or agent of change is someone who intentionally or indirectly causes or accelerates social, cultural, or behavioral change. To be effective, your change agents, have to have to burn for the change. Striving for the change should be one — no, it must be the only one — of their...
- Nov-16 Lean Coffee (Facilitation)Lean Coffee is a structured, but agenda-less meeting. The participants come together, build an agenda, and start talking. The conversations are directed and productive because they are strictly time-boxed and the agenda for the meeting is democratically...
- Nov-14 Thumb Voting (Decision-making, Game)Thumb-Voting... vote with your thumbs. — Thumb up: positive; thumb down: negative; thumb horizontal: Don't...
- Oct-19 Automotive SPICE (Process Improvement)Automotive SPiCE is a process maturity framework to assess the capability and maturity of organisational processes to develop software resp. embedded systems in the automotive industry. It is a variant of ISO 15504 tailored to the...
- Oct-16 ISO/IEC 15504 — SPiCE (Process Improvement)ISO/IEC 15504 (SPiCE) is an international norm to assess and evaluate the maturity of business processes for software and electronic development (embedded systems). A process reference model defines the central processes relevant...
- Oct-15 Risk Management — The Bad and The Good (Project Support)Doing risk management in the Monty Python style is a waste of time and effort: identifying and accessing unrealistic risks with a disproportionate amount of time and with exaggerated mitigation strategies. Traditional and agile risk management provide solutions, activities, and processes with a...
- Oct-12 Team Charter Canvas — How to Onboard Your Team Best (Culture, Team building)The Team Charter Canvas I developed is a tool to reflect in depth on team chartering, teamwork and team culture, and team cohesion. It builds upon team values and goals: Mission, People & Roles,...
- Oct-09 How to Communicate Best In Times of Stress (Communication)It needs calm and patient to keep the head clear and not compound the worse situation by improper body language, loud and angry voice. You better solve the problems by connecting, listening, inspiring your co-workers. Stay cool and build confidence and cohesion in your...
- Oct-08 Team Canvas — How to Create Your Team (Culture)The Team Canvas is a variant of the Business Model Canvas. Alex Ivanov and Mitya Voloshchuk created it as a tool to reflect about teamwork and team culture. The canvas builds upon team values and goals: People & Roles, Common Goals, Personal Goals, Purpose, Values, Strength & Assets, Weakness &...
- Sep-13 Scrum Trainings with LEGO (Agile Game, Scrum)Agilists and Scrum evangelists love funny and playful exercises. They are especial in love with LEGO bricks. Here are 3 LEGO sessions for scrum training: LEGO City Scrum, EGO Airport Scrum and Continuous Integration with LEGO. But do not mix it up with LEGO® Serious...
- Sep-12 LEGO Continuous Integration game (Agile Game, Scrum)The LEGO Continuous Integration game illustrates agile mindset and the benefits of Continuous...
- Sep-12 LEGO Scrum Airport (Agile Game, Scrum)The LEGO Scrum Airport game illustrates Agile Mindset, the Scrum ceremonies and roles. It fits best to close a Scrum training. However, you can run it as stand-alone workshop as...
- Sep-12 LEGO Scrum City (Agile Game, Scrum)The LEGO Scrum City game illustrates Agile Mindset, the Scrum ceremonies and its roles. The game fits best to close a Scrum training. However, you can run it as stand-alone workshop as...
- Sep-12 What LEGO Serious Play is — and what it is not! (LEGO Serious Play)LEGO® Serious Play is... not a format for training people; to experience" yourself; for funny organisational constellation — LEGO® Serious Play is a facilitated method for strategic decision-making and problem resolution in business...
- Sep-08 Canvas Modeling — What is it? (Culture, Facilitation, Lean Startup)Canvas Models are visual one-page overviews that lay out both what you do (or want to do), and how you go about doing it. They enable structured conversations around management and strategy by laying out the crucial activities and challenges involved with your initiative and how they relate to each...
- Sep-08 Team Trust Canvas — How to Create Trust in Your Team (Culture)The Team Trust Canvas is a variant of the Business Model Canvas. Alexey Pikulev created it as a tool to reflect about trust in teams and team culture. Trust is quantifiable and brings dramatic results to businesses...
- Sep-08 Lean Stack and Lean Canvas — Challenge your Business with Experiments (Lean Startup)Lean Stack by Ash Maurya is a collection of tools, content, and coaching resources that help entrepreneurs succeed. It is an innovation accounting framework that supports you define, measure, and communicate progress with your internal and...
- Sep-07 Lean Change Canvas — How to Deliver Change Best (Lean Change Management)Lean Change Canvas combines Lean Stack thinking with Kotter's 8 Leading Steps for Change. It's a tool to realise organisational change fast and effectively by continuously proving small, minimum viable...
- Aug-04 Business Model Canvas — How to Use It (Business Process Modeling)The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management and entrepreneurial tool to reflect systematically on your business model. It allows you to describe, design, challenge, invent and pivot your business model. It allows you to view, reflect, and analyse your enterprise from 9 distinctive...
- Jul-15 Collective Story Harvesting (Facilitation)Collective Story Harvesting is a storytelling process to unveil multiple aspects, facets, and insights hidden deeply in the experiences of individuals, communities, teams or organisations. The process is about to sharpen the listening and to concentrate to certain pre-agreed details and topics in...
- Jul-14 Dragon Dreaming (Facilitation)Dragon Dreaming is a participative, holistic, and highly structured method to realise creative, collaborative, and sustainable projects. It is based upon the principles of personal and group empowerment, win-win, consensus and commitment. The Australian John Croft developed Dragon Dreaming on the...
- Jul-14 Acting — Character Creation with Lego Serious Play and Moving Motivators (Coaching, LEGO Serious Play, Management 3.0, Theater)In rehearsals, the actors try together with the director to enter as deep as possible into the character he/she will present on stage. We did it with Lego Serious Play and Moving Motivators (Mgt3.0). I combined Lego Serious Play to model metaphorical the stage character role with Moving...
- Jul-10 Five-Finger Voting (Decision-making, Game)Five-Finger-Voting is a simple version of the group decision Five-to-Fold facilitation for decision-making. A group has to decide in a very short time on a proposal and possible alternatives to solve the...
- Jul-05 Agile Games (Facilitation)Agile Games are serious instruments to solve real business issues in management, product development and team building and other important areas. The term "agile" is more about delivering the highest business value as possible faster by focusing on people and continuous improvement. Agile Games...
- Jul-05 Moving Motivators (Facilitation, Management 3.0)Moving Motivators is a card game to reflect on people's motivation and how it is affected by organisational change. The cards help to unveil and discuss ten intrinsic desires, which motivates people most. It is a metaphorical game to reflect on people's motivation and how this is affected by...
- Jul-05 Dynamic Facilitation (Facilitation)Dynamic facilitation is a facilitation method for group discussions in a high emotionally supercharged environment. The method is grounded on the creativity and energy of a group without constraining it or to follow traditional, linear, moderation structures like agendas or...
- Jul-05 BarCamp (Facilitation)BarCamp facilitation is an un-invited, open un-conference like open space. Everyone can attend, all attendees are encouraged to present or facilitate a session or otherwise contribute to the...
- Jul-01 Solution Focus (Facilitation)Solution Focus Facilitation is goal oriented, targeting the desired outcome of the session as a solution rather than focusing on the symptoms or issues that brought the participants to the session. This technique emphasises present and future circumstances and desires over past...
- Jul-01 Collective Mind-Mapping (Facilitation)Collective Mind-Mapping facilitation creates a collective and collaborative, commonly shareable mind...
- Jul-01 Action Learning (Facilitation)Action Learning facilitation (AL) is a process to foster learning by working on real problems and actually implementing solutions. It is a form of learning by doing. AL is grounded by the assumption, that learning is best achieved in small groups (so-called "sets") by individual practice and asking...
- Jun-30 Fishbowl (Facilitation)Fishbowl facilitation is a simple, effective alternative to a plenum discussion. In combining large group facilitation with small group discussions, fishbowl creates a vivid and spontaneous discussion format. One advantage of a fishbowl facilitation is that it is suitable for large groups. It also...
- Jun-30 Five to Fold (Decision-making, Facilitation)Five-to-Fold is a method for effective, holistic group decision-making. It invites, honors, and integrates all individual perspectives. Five-to-Fold is intended as a process for genuine decision-making, rather than for gathering feedback or informing a decision to be made...
- Jun-30 Wisdom Council (Facilitation)Wisdom Council is a large group (500+) facilitation — e.g. for business and non-profit organisations, government agencies, towns, cities, and nations — to address and solve difficult issues together. A Wisdom Council is a one-time, randomly-selected group of stakeholders who produce a...
- Jun-30 Innovation Games (Facilitation, Innovation Game)Innovation Games® are on real-time focused, collaborative games to engage customers and stakeholders. Playing the games is like generating feedback about a product or service. With Innovation Games you accurately predict what your customers want, need, and will pay...
- Jun-30 LEGO Serious Play (Facilitation, LEGO Serious Play)LEGO® Serious Play (LSP) is a facilitated method for strategic decision-making and problem resolution in business environments. Workshop results are always directly aligned to the business goals in focus and can be used next day at the work floor immediately. Workshop participants are all equally...
- Jun-30 Future Search (Facilitation)Future Search facilitation is a task-focused, future planning conference that helps people transform their capability for action very quickly. In a Future Search, 30-64 diverse stakeholders — a cross-section of people concerned with the activities of the Organisation or community undertaking...
- Jun-30 ProAction Café (Facilitation)ProAction Café is a facilitation for action-oriented, creative, and inspirational conversations. The participants are invited to share their questions (around projects, or seed ideas) and get input from others. ProAction Café moves...
- Jun-30 Open Space Technology (Facilitation)Open Space Technology is a highly scalable and adaptable facilitation method to enable all kinds of people, in any kind of organisation, to create inspired meetings and events. It relies strongly on self-organisation of the group of participants....
- Jun-30 World Café (Facilitation)World Café is a group interaction method focused on conversations. It fosters the interaction and dialogue with large and small groups. It is very effective to identify collective wisdom of large groups. It is an ideal way to find out...
- Jun-30 Appreciative Inquiry (Facilitation)Appreciative Inquiry facilitation (AI) builds on the present potential of a given person, organisation or situation to envision the future. AI challenges organisations to take a strengths-based approach when assessing and adapting their services or products. AI is used to discover strengths and...
- Jun-30 Art of Hosting (Facilitation)Art of Hosting is a highly effective way of tackling the collective wisdom and self-organizing capacity of groups of any size. It is a participative approach for leading, convening and engaging groups and teams in meaningful conversations. It blends a suite of powerful conversational processes to...
- May-02 Why are LEGO Serious Play Workshops so successful? (LEGO Serious Play)LEGO® Serious Play (LSP) is a facilitated method for strategic decision-making and problem resolution in business environments. The workshop results are always directly aligned to the business goals in focus and can be used next day at the work floor immediately. The workshop participants are all...
- Mar-25 Ball Point Game — Show the Flow (Game)The Ball Point Game is an Agile Game to explore process flow, team velocity and PDCA: plan–do–check–act or...
- Mar-20 "Augenhöhe" — New Leadership & Management Culture (Culture, Leadership)Create workplaces where people can develop their full potential and use all their talents. The movie "AUGENHÖHE" shows 6 companies who are already doing...
- Feb-16 Agile Coaching and Project Team Leading — What's the difference? (Coaching)Agile Coaches focuse on Agile practices and orient themself at the Agile Manifesto: (1) people and interactions; (2) delivery working software; (3) customer collaboration; and (4) responding to change. The role of an agile coach is a transitory role not tied into project...
- Feb-16 ScanAgile2015: Agile Game "Product Owner Challenge" (Game)"Product Owner Challenge" is an agile game played with Lego bricks to demonstrate a waterfall-driven product development the agile...
- Feb-15 What are Innovation Games? — A short Primer (Innovation Game)Innovation Games are a set of originally market research oriented, facilitated and directed games. They are focussed, on real-time collaborative games as means of engaging customers and stakeholders. Use them for portfolio management, requirements management and any number of tasks that require...
- Feb-13 Scaling Technique and Agile Coaching (Coaching)The use of scaling techniques in coaching forms part of the Solution Focus approach. Using scaling techniques can be a really useful way of helping a coachee assess their progress or their state of satisfaction in relation to their desired outcomes, or clarify their commitment to a way...
- Jan-27 LEGO Serious Play - Strategic Decision Making & Problem Resolution with Fun! — Video (LEGO Serious Play)LEGO® Serious Play (LSP) is a facilitated method for strategic decision-making and problem resolution in business environments. All LSP workshop results are directly aligned to the business goals in focus and can be used next day at the work floor immediately. All participants are equally involved...
- Jan-27 LEGO Serious Play® – Building Metaphors — Video (LEGO Serious Play)With the LEGO Serious Play technique "Building Metaphors", you construct and share individual models as answers of a question raised by the...
- Jan-27 LEGO Serious Play® – Building Landscapes — Video (LEGO Serious Play)With the LEGO Serious Play technique "Building Landscapes" you show how models are connected or...
- Jan-27 20 Success Factors Of Organisational Change (Org.Chg.Mgmt)You can not change the culture of your business or organisation. In organisational change initiatives, you are confronted with Resistance, Fear, Loss of Trust, No-Commitment, Resignation. However, there are some factors how to influence the success of organisational change...
- Jan-16 Tools4AgileTeams 2014: Agile Game "Product Owner Challenge" (Game)Product Owner Challenge Game is an agile game played with Lego bricks to demonstrate a waaterfall-driven product development the agile...
- Oct-23 Maturity and Capability — What is it? (Process Improvement)Process maturity means that whatever an organisation is doing, it is done in a well-documented way, and everyone knows what is expected of them and performs accordingly. A process is capable if it satisfies its specified product quality, service quality, and process performance...
- Oct-23 Maturity & Capability Representations — What is it? (Process Improvement)Process maturity and capability can have two different representations: staged or continuous. The differences between the structures are subtle but significant. The staged representation uses...
- Oct-16 IDEAL — Initiating, Diagnosing, Establishing, Acting & Learning (Process Improvement)The IDEAL model realises a methodical infrastructure framework to guide organisations in planning and implementing effective process improvement programs for CMMI and alike initiatives. It is a process-improvement and defect-reduction methodology serving as the founding strategy employed by SEI in...
- Oct-16 Stuart Brown: Why Playing is vital? (Agile Game)Why is playing so important? — Because this can make us smarter at any age! But play is anything but trivial. It is a biological drive as integral to our health as sleep or nutrition. Play is essential to develop social skills and adult problem-solving skills. We are designed by nature to...
- Oct-15 Process Reference Model — What is it? (Process Improvement)A Process Reference Model describes for a certain application domain a set of processes. Each process is described by its purpose and the associated process outcomes (i.e. work products). Process Reference Models are always related to a Process Assessment...
- Oct-15 Process Institutionalisation — What is it? (Process Improvement)Institutionalisation is an important concept in process improvement. When mentioned in the generic goal and generic practice descriptions, institutionalization implies that the process is ingrained in the way the work is performed and there is a company-wide commitment and consistency to performing...
- Oct-15 Process Assessment Model — What is it? (Process Improvement)A Process Assessment Model (PAM) relates to one or more Process Reference Models. A PAM holds all details (so called indicators) to determine process maturity. It is aligned in two dimensions: Process and Maturity...
- Oct-15 FIDO Database — What is it? (Process Improvement)In SCAMPI appraisals, the FIDO Database manages all appraisal data, reports, and presentations and is highly-rated by appraisal teams. With a FIDO Database, teams spend less time organising data and have more time available to analyze the data and prepare...
- Oct-15 Appraisal Requirements for CMMI — What is it? (Process Improvement)The Appraisal Requirements for CMMI (ARC) defines the requirements considered essential to appraisal methods intended for use with Capability Maturity Model Integration CMMI models. In addition, a set of appraisal classes is defined, based on typical applications of appraisal methods. These...
- Oct-14 SCAMPI — Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (Process Improvement)The Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI) is designed to provide benchmark quality ratings relative to Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) models. It is applicable to a wide range of appraisal usage modes, including both internal process improvement and external...
- Oct-14 CMMI Model Foundation — What is it? (Process Improvement)The CMMI Model Foundation (CMF) is a set of 16 process areas and all generic goals and practices common to any CMMI constellations and models. In addition, the CMMI model foundation supports creating materials for training and appraisal for the different kinds of CMMI...
- Oct-14 People Capability Maturity Model — P-CMM (Process Improvement)The People Capability Maturity Model (People CMM, P-CMM) is part of the CMMI product family of process maturity models. It is a framework to guide organisations in improving their processes for managing and developing human workforces. It helps organisations to characterize the maturity of their...
- Oct-14 CobIT — Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (Process Improvement)Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (CobIT) is a comprehensive model for enterprise control of the IT environment /IT Governance. CobIT is generally accepted as de facto guidance for Sarbanes-Oxley Act...
- Oct-14 CMMI Model Constellation (Process Improvement)The CMMI Model Foundation (CMF) is the common fundament of each so-called CMMI constellation. A CMMI constellation is an adoption of the CMMI model to a certain field of interest....
- Oct-14 CMMI for Services — CMMI-SVC (Process Improvement)CMMI for Services (CMMI-SVC) is part of the CMMI product family of process maturity models. It is a framework to guide organisations in improving their IT service delivery processes and to characterize the maturity of their IT operations. CMMI-SVC is an industry neutral model that can apply to any...
- Oct-14 CMMI for Development — CMMI-DEV (Process Improvement)The Capability Maturity Model Integration for Development (CMMI-DEV) is part of the CMMI product family. It is a process improvement maturity model for the development of products and services. It consists of proven practices that address development and maintenance activities that cover the...
- Oct-14 CMMI for Acquisition — CMMI-ACQ (Process Improvement)CMMI-ACQ is a framework to guide organisations in improving their processes for acquisition. It helps organisations to characterize the maturity of their guidance to acquisition organisations for initiating and managing the acquisition of products and services. The model focuses on acquirer...
- Oct-14 CMMI — Capability Maturity Model Integration (Process Improvement)Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is a process improvement approach that provides organisations with the essential elements for effective process improvement in software engineering,...
- Oct-01 Drama babe! – "Theatre Stage Experience for Agilists" (Coaching, Communication, Theater)Broad toolbox of communication skills: workshop held at #WTTW, Annual Conference Agile Consortium NL, Ermelo NL, Sept.2014....
- Sep-17 Drama babe! – "Theatre Stage Experience for Agilists" at Annual Conference Agile Consortium NL 2014 (Coaching)Broad toolbox of communication skills: workshop held at #WTTW, Annual Conference Agile Consortium NL, Ermelo NL, Sept.2014....
- Jun-28 Agile Game "The Drama Game" at ACCDE14 (Game)Workshop "The Drama Game" at Agile Coach Camp, Germany #ACCDE14, 06/2014. “The Drama Game” is a Story Telling Game for retrospectives. Objective is to analyse conflicts and hidden and hidden expectations for incidents in your product development life cycle or brand...
- Jun-16 Drama Babe – "Open your Customer’s Drama Stage" at #WisP14, Belgium 2014 (Game)Workshop "The Drama Game" at #WisP14, Belgium, 2014. “The Drama Game” is a Story Telling Game to identify stakeholders behaviours and hidden expectations. Playing the game in retrospectives creates shared understandings of events and incidents in the Product Development Life...
- Jun-12 Drama Babe – Open your Customer’s Drama Stage (Game)Drama Babe – Open your Customer’s Drama Stage. “The Drama Game” is a Story Telling Game for retrospectives. Objective is to analyse conflicts and hidden and hidden expectations for incidents in your product development life cycle or brand...
- Jun-01 POChallenge — Product Owner Challenge Game (Game, Product Owner)The Product Owner Challenge Game is an agile game with Lego bricks. The goal is to illustrate a waterfall-driven product development culture transitioning from Waterfall to Agile the agile mindset: communicate...
- Mar-21 Business Process Modeling with LEGO, Balls, and Strings (Business Process Modeling)Virgina Anderson facilitated at #play14, 14.-16.Mar.2014, Luxembourg, an open space session on business process modeling. With LEGO, Balls, and Strings the financial transaction process "Buying & selling shares at NYSE" was...
- Feb-13 Why You Should I Play Innovation Games in Lean Startups? (Innovation Game, Lean Startup)Short introduction to Innovation Games® and examples of their application in Lean and Lean StartUps: Reduce Waste, Value Stream Mapping, and Minimum Viable...
- Feb-13 Innovation Games Evening at Agile User Group Rhein-Main, Germany 2012 (Innovation Game)Innovation Games® (Luke Hohmann) are a set of 13 games of primary market research oriented games. They are focussed, on real-time collaborative games as means of engaging customers and stakeholders to reveal what really matters to them and to get breakthrough ideas. In this games customers have a...
- Jun-01 ISO 15504 Manager Training — (1 day) (Process Improvement)This 1 day training presents managers the ISO 15504 Process Reference Model (PRM), Process Assessment Model (PAM) relevant for embedded systems...
- Jun-01 Automotive SPICE® Process Training for Managers — (1 day) (Process Improvement)1 day training (English) „Automotive SPICE® for Managers“. The training presents ISO 15504 Process Reference Model (PRM), Process Assessment Model (PAM) in details for system engineers (HW/SW embedded systems...
- Jun-01 Training „Automotive SPICE® for System Engineers“ — (3 days) (Process Improvement)3 day training (English) „Automotive SPICE® for System Engineers“. The training presents ISO 15504 Process Reference Model (PRM), Process Assessment Model (PAM) in details for system engineers (HW/SW embedded systems...
- Jun-01 Training „ISO 15504 for System Engineers“ — (3 days) (Process Improvement)3 day training (English) „ISO 15504 for System Engineers“. The training presents ISO 15504 Process Reference Model (PRM), Process Assessment Model (PAM) in details for system engineers (HW/SW embedded systems...