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I solve with a rich toolbox of gaming workshop formats real business problems, thus:
People are most engaged when they have joy doing their work.
Improvement is like Playing - Do it with Fun!
Why to Work with Me...

- give appreciation and acknowledgement
- allow working in a self-organised manner
- allow working in a funfull and playful way
- Coaching & mentoring (agile) skills
- Supporting business/organisational change development
- Facilitating innotive and empowering workshop/sessions
- Supporting team building (team chartering & kick-off)
- Supporting organisational design and change
- Supporting software process improvement
- Hands-on project supporting: project management, quality management
- Commitment by engagging people
- Results direct useable at the floorshop
- Alignment to business goals
- I work as coach — not as a consultant. I involve everybody engaged.
- I stress people provocatively.
- I run change initiatives with goals and measurements driven by both employee and manager level.
- I facilitate workshops to break down barriers and speed communication (LEGO™ Serious Play™, Innovation Games™, and other tools, Agile Games).
- I incrementaly roll out and deliver results directly useable ("Shipable results")
Michael Tarnowski, founder of He has more than 20 years IT-management consultancy experience in the fields of software development, automotive, aerospace/aviation, airlines, and air traffic management, defence, banking/finance, logistics, and tourism.
Michael works as (agile) coach, process improvement consultant (CMMI, ISO 15504/Automotive SPICE®), business and innovation facilitator (Management 3.0, LEGO Serious Plays, Innovation Games) — actor/director (stage acting & business plays).
Michael's passions are moderation techniques which set people in a playful mood for improvement — play@work:
Improvement is like Playing — Do it with Fun!
Certifications & Associations
ISO15504 assessor, cert. consultancy: ITIL v3, CobIT, CMMI, Scrum master.