Project Description

Reading Time: < 1 minute
Project ID: 2023

Temenos Workshop — Jax2014

Time 03/2014
Abstract: Reading Time: < 1 minute Temenos is an experience based workshop format for people interested in personal growth, strength, and authentic relationship with others. At the Jax2014 conference Olaf Lewitz and Christine Neidhardt ran a Temenos workshop with 275 ppl. supported by several co-facilitators.
Duration: 1/2 day
Role: Co-Facilitator (with 17 others)
Description: Temenos is an experience based workshop format for people interested in personal growth, strength, and authentic relationship with others. Temenos invites us to experience connection, openness and trust on a level that’s not accessible to us in daily life. With Temenos, we can safely test more effective methods of relating with others. At the Jax2014 conference Olaf Lewitz and Christine Neidhardt ran a Temenos workshop with 275 ppls. supported by several co-facilitators. I was one of them.
Size: 275 ppl.
Industry: Software Development

: Zach Dischner, via, .