Project Description

Reading Time: < 1 minute
Project ID: 182

Re-Engineering Functional Requirements and Testability of Driver Assistentance Video System — (Agile SW Dev, Image Processing)

Time 03/2011 - 08/2011
Abstract: Reading Time: < 1 minuteScrum Master and Agile Coach in the re-engineering of functional requirements, test scenarios, and test cases to ensure testability of a video camera driver assistant system.
Duration: 03/2011 - 08/2011
Role: Agile Coach, Scrum Master, Team-Lead

Scrum Master and Agile Coach in the re-engineering of functional requirements, test scenarios, and test cases to ensure testability of a video camera driver assistant system.

An international automotive supplier builds video camera driver assistant systems. Over the years  - more than a decade - new functionality was added to the overall system to satisfy the needs of different OEMs. The software was developed within the Scrum framework.
Over the years the testability documentation (traceability of requirements, architecture, and implementation, test cases) became obsolete.

An external company - my contractor - was asked to setup a Scrum team of embedded system developers and testers to analyse the code (C++) and to redesign functional requirements, test scenarios, and test cases to ensure testability. The product owner was a member of the OEM dev team.

My role in this team was twofold: 1) as Scrum Master I defined with the contractor's team the weekly deliveries (i.e. analysis results) for the OEM; 2) being the agile coach for the contractor's team since they had heterogonous agile backgrounds, and 3) for the direct contractor and the OEM I was the contact person to the team.

Industry: Automotive, supplier
QM-Model applied: Automotive SPiCE
Size: ≤ 10 Freelancer (re-engineering team)

: Steve Jurvetson, via, .