Project Description

Reading Time: < 1 minute
Project ID: 2157

Railway Routing - SW Quality Management & Assurance

Time 03/2002 - 06/2002
Abstract: Reading Time: < 1 minute Supporting IT development projects in the business area of routing with operational QM/QA activities. Evaluating potential improvements on CEO-level. Sub-project of the master project "CIO Corporate Staff Unit SW Quality Assurance Railway".
Duration: 03/2002 - 06/2002
Role: Auditor, Assessor

This project is a sub-project of the master project "CIO Corporate Staff Unit SW Quality Assurance Railway".

On behalf of the CEO Person Transport of an internationally operating, German-based railway company, I supported the IT development project in the business area of routing.

I supported the project by operational QM/QA activities (code & design reviews). On the CEO-level, I identified and reported possible improvements.

QM Model applied: Tailoring of CMM
Size: 10 ppl.
Industry: Logistics, Railway

: Ian Sane, via, .