Brown-Bag Lunch

Reading Time: 2 minutesBrown bag lunches are a format for internal employee training. They are an opportunity for employees to gather at lunchtime to share information about topics of interest in an informal setting. The meetings are either structured or unstructured and are used to transfer knowledge, solve problems, brainstorm and build trust among attendees.

Lean Coffee

Reading Time: 2 minutesLean Coffee is a structured, but agenda-less meeting. The participants come together, build an agenda, and start talking. The conversations are directed and productive because they are strictly time-boxed and the agenda for the meeting is democratically generated


Reading Time: 2 minutesFishbowl facilitation is a simple, effective alternative to a plenum discussion. In combining large group facilitation with small group discussions, fishbowl creates a vivid and spontaneous discussion format. One advantage of a fishbowl facilitation is that it is suitable for large groups. It also lessens distinctions between the speakers and the audience.

Wisdom Council

Reading Time: 4 minutesWisdom Council is a large group (500+) facilitation — e.g. for business and non-profit organisations, government agencies, towns, cities, and nations — to address and solve difficult issues together. A Wisdom Council is a one-time, randomly-selected group of stakeholders who produce a consensus statement which is made available to the larger group for further dialogue and action. Wisdom Councils are most powerful when they are done periodically.

Innovation Games

Reading Time: < 1 minuteInnovation Games® are on real-time focused, collaborative games to engage customers and stakeholders. Playing the games is like generating feedback about a product or service. With Innovation Games you accurately predict what your customers want, need, and will pay for.

LEGO Serious Play

Reading Time: 4 minutesLEGO® Serious Play (LSP) is a facilitated method for strategic decision-making and problem resolution in business environments. Workshop results are always directly aligned to the business goals in focus and can be used next day at the work floor immediately. Workshop participants are all equally involved in finding the business solutions.

ProAction Café

Reading Time: 3 minutesProAction Café is a facilitation for action-oriented, creative, and inspirational conversations. The participants are invited to share their questions (around projects, or seed ideas) and get input from others. ProAction Café moves from questions to actions by providing space for creativity and getting deeper input (deeper questions, knowledge, experience) from others.

Open Space Technology

Reading Time: 3 minutesOpen Space Technology is a highly scalable and adaptable facilitation method to enable all kinds of people, in any kind of organisation, to create inspired meetings and events. It relies strongly on self-organisation of the group of participants.

World Café

Reading Time: 2 minutesWorld Café is a group interaction method focused on conversations. It fosters the interaction and dialogue with large and small groups. It is very effective to identify collective wisdom of large groups. It is an ideal way to find out what a community is thinking and feeling about a topic.

Appreciative Inquiry

Reading Time: 2 minutesAppreciative Inquiry facilitation (AI) builds on the present potential of a given person, organisation or situation to envision the future. AI challenges organisations to take a strengths-based approach when assessing and adapting their services or products. AI is used to discover strengths and assets and how we might use them to achieve our future.

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