Happiness_Door_Poster_(A0 format)

Reading Time: < 1 minuteReading Time: 2 minutesThe Happiness Door is one of the Management 3.0 practices. It is a tool to give feedback continuously in workshops, events, or meetings in three categories: things that make attendees happy, things they feel neutral about and things they didn’t like. Usually, it is either an empty flipchart or a collection of post-its.

Team_Charter_Canvas_Poster_(A0 format)

Reading Time: < 1 minuteReading Time: 4 minutesThe Team Charter Canvas I developed is a tool to reflect in depth on team chartering, teamwork and team culture, and team cohesion. It builds upon team values and goals: Mission, People & Roles, Scope, Common Goals, Values, Norms, and Fun Events. The Team Prime Directive summarises the team charter.


Reading Time: < 1 minuteGaming Instruction for the LEGO Continuous Integration game. The game illustrates agile mindset and benefits of Continuous Integration. Gaming Instruction for the LEGO Continuous Integration game. The game illustrates agile mindset and benefits of Continuous Integration.

By |September 13th, 2015|Tags: , , |0 Comments

POChallenge — Product Owner Challenge Game

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe Product Owner Challenge Game is an agile game with Lego bricks. The goal is to illustrate a waterfall-driven product development culture transitioning from Waterfall to Agile the agile mindset: communicate face-to-face clear objectives, requirements, and product vision — a real challenge for a product development department.

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