lean startup
lean startup
lean startup
Website Nonstartr.com
Vision, Strategy, and Product
Reading Time: 6 minutesA vision is stable and is part of the company identity. The vision is the Enterprise's “North Star”, and it should guide each and every decision your company makes. The vision is the embodiment of the brand and the reason the company exists. You pitch the vision.
The mission is the strategy to carry out your vision. The mission should change — whether due to customer feedback, learning from experiments, market forces, etc. However, the vision can not change. If it does, that's not a "pivot" — that's a new company!
Always align your product ("what") to your "why" — Start with the "why"
Build Measure Learn Cycle
Reading Time: 3 minutesCanvas Models are visual one-page overviews that lay out both what you do (or want to do), and how you go about doing it. They enable structured conversations around management and strategy by laying out the crucial activities and challenges involved with your initiative and how they relate to each other.
Lean Canvas - Strategyzer
Reading Time: 3 minutesLean Stack by Ash Maurya is a collection of tools, content, and coaching resources that help entrepreneurs succeed. It is an innovation accounting framework that supports you define, measure, and communicate progress with your internal and external stakeholders.
Lean Canvas
Lean Stack Experiment