Happiness Hacking 1 – Tools To Track Happiness On Project And Team Level
Reading Time: < 1 minuteThere are several tools available to facilitate, measure and visualize happiness on the project and team level.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteThere are several tools available to facilitate, measure and visualize happiness on the project and team level.
Reading Time: < 1 minuteThere are several tools available to give or facilitate appreciation. The range spans from techniques to moderate or facilitate workshops, to online services and physical objects to show recognition at the business place.
Reading Time: 2 minutesIn most organisations, recognition and financial reward go one for the other. This approach misses the point of recognition: people are motivated by more than money. Six rules by With Jurgen Appelo to give rewards and to increase people’s performance and enjoyment.
Reading Time: 6 minutesEverybody becomes happy when getting a "Thank you", or be rewarded and be encouraged by a job well done. In the 21.th century business world financial bonus systems do not work anymore to motivate people properly. Instead, by following a few simple rules, you can reward and recognise employees effectively.
Reading Time: 2 minutesImagine, your organisation wants to introduce metrics and KPIs expecting strategic improvements. How should you behave? Here are 15 antipatterns to spoil any initiative.
Sociocracy: Vision & Mission
Reading Time: 2 minutesThe S3 Canvas Series by Bernhard Bockelbrink has its offspring from the Sociocracy 3.0 movement. There are canvases to explore new business models or product ideas (S3 organisation Canvas), to negotiate and clarify the delegation of a domain to a team or role (S3 Delegation Canvas), and to clarify and explore where teams stand and how to move forward (S3 Team Canvas).
Reading Time: 3 minutesAppreciation Cards – Kudo Cards – are written and public recognition of a colleague for something he or she has contributed to the team. But it’s the recognition of valued work, not financial incentives, that encourages intrinsic motivation within an organisation.
Reading Time: 6 minutesA vision is stable and is part of the company identity. The vision is the Enterprise's “North Star”, and it should guide each and every decision your company makes. The vision is the embodiment of the brand and the reason the company exists. You pitch the vision.
The mission is the strategy to carry out your vision. The mission should change — whether due to customer feedback, learning from experiments, market forces, etc. However, the vision can not change. If it does, that's not a "pivot" — that's a new company!
Always align your product ("what") to your "why" — Start with the "why"
Reading Time: 7 minutesIt's often claimed that teams are a community of people with equal values. That's not true. Team members might have a common normative structure to behave equally. However, these norms are based on values to which each team member may connect not equally with individual strength. To build teams on this chiasm is quite a challenge.