Canvas Modeling — What is it?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Canvas Models are visual one-page overviews that lay out both what you do (or want to do), and how you go about doing it. They enable structured conversations around management and strategy by laying out the crucial activities and challenges involved with your initiative and how they relate to each other.

Collective Story Harvesting

Reading Time: 3 minutes Collective Story Harvesting is a storytelling process to unveil multiple aspects, facets, and insights hidden deeply in the experiences of individuals, communities, teams or organisations. The process is about to sharpen the listening and to concentrate to certain pre-agreed details and topics in the story when it is told.

Dragon Dreaming

Reading Time: 4 minutes Dragon Dreaming is a participative, holistic, and highly structured method to realise creative, collaborative, and sustainable projects. It is based upon the principles of personal and group empowerment, win-win, consensus and commitment. The Australian John Croft developed Dragon Dreaming on the basis of system thinking and the wisdom of Australian aborigines.

Agile Games

Reading Time: 2 minutes Agile Games are serious instruments to solve real business issues in management, product development and team building and other important areas. The term "agile" is more about delivering the highest business value as possible faster by focusing on people and continuous improvement. Agile Games are a set of collaborative workshop formats. They are moderation practice tools to facilitate innovation in the business world. Their focus is on teaching, demonstrating, or improving workplace behaviour and organisational effectiveness. They are ideal instruments for participants/players level, to share mutual understanding, and to make lessons stick best.

Moving Motivators

Reading Time: 4 minutes Moving Motivators is a card game to reflect on people's motivation and how it is affected by organisational change. The cards help to unveil and discuss ten intrinsic desires, which motivates people most. It is a metaphorical game to reflect on people's motivation and how this is affected by organisational change.

Dynamic Facilitation

Reading Time: 2 minutes Dynamic facilitation is a facilitation method for group discussions in a high emotionally supercharged environment. The method is grounded on the creativity and energy of a group without constraining it or to follow traditional, linear, moderation structures like agendas or exercises.

Solution Focus

Reading Time: 4 minutes Solution Focus Facilitation is goal oriented, targeting the desired outcome of the session as a solution rather than focusing on the symptoms or issues that brought the participants to the session. This technique emphasises present and future circumstances and desires over past experiences.

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