Reading Time: 2 minutes
Main Takeaways
Reading Time: 2 minutesThe LEGO Scrum Airport game illustrates Agile Mindset, the Scrum ceremonies and roles. It fits best to close a Scrum training. However, you can run it as stand-alone workshop as well.

LEGO Scrum Airport

Goal of the Game

LEGO Scrum Airport game is a variant of LEGO Scrum City game, developed by Thorsten O. Kalnin. The idea is to teach resp. train the Agile Mindset and the Scrum ceremonies and roles. It fits best to close a Scrum training. However, you can run it as stand-alone workshop as well.To run the game you split the participants into teams between 4 and 8 people. All teams have the same objective:

We build an airport as fast as possible and best within specifications and budget TOGETHER.

The game is very sophisticated and deserves some preparation time (approx. 3-5 hours). In particular, the game focuses on the Scrum roles and ceremonies as follows:

  • The Product Owner facilitates the game.
  • Each team elects a Scrum Master for its own.
  • The airport is built incrementally (sprints).
  • Product owner and Scrum Master agree about overall "Release Planning".
  • Product owner delivers the requirements of the airport (characteristics of buildings, airport facilities, and runways, etc.) as user stories.
  • Each team performs for each iteration a Sprint Planning.
  • Sprint Review after each iteration/sprint: each team resp. its Scrum Master demonstrate the Product Owner their deliveries ("Sprint Demo"). And the team reflect on their overall performance ("Team Retrospective")

Time to play: 3 – 6 hours.

Game Objectives

Product Owner:

  • Learn to organize a Backlog properly, prioritising what is more important first.
  • Learn to measure the team velocity and based on that make decisions, and re-prioritize the Product Backlog.
  • Learn to negotiate with the team about acceptance criteria and the deliverable.


  • Experience self-organisation and pressure given by the time-box.
  • Learn to communicate focused on the sprint goal.
  • Learn how to plan and organize tasks during a sprint.
  • Learn to estimate fast and precisely based on the experience.
  • Learn to measure performance and improvements.
  • Learn to deal with unexpected events.

Scrum Master:

  • Learn to moderate the meetings.
  • Learn to mediate between the team and the Product Owner.
  • Learn how to deal with Impediments.
  • Learn how to coach and suggest improvements to the team.

Time to play: 3 – 6 hours.


Gaming instructions:   LEGO Scrum Airport Game Manual,  Thorsten O. Kalnin,


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