In the Product Discovery Phase, we identify additional opportunities for either implementing (product modifications) or applying our potential solutions (new markets, new customer/user segments). – By differentiating all these options we ensure to build the right product. This leads us to a predominant challenge and conclusion. "Before we can deliver Value, we first need to discover Value." — (Appelo 2022) "Product discovery is discovery of opportunities." — (Cagan 2006, Torres 2021) In this context the following terms are relevant. In the Product Delivery Phase, we test continuously together with the customer/user (peer groups) our implementation. Actually, we test several implementation proposals till the customer/user accepts one finally. – This ensures we build the product right (Torres 2021). Be careful, what we deliver are our decisions what might be valuable. "We often deliver wrong decisions — causing us to build a faulty product." — (Carleson 2021) If we have no feedback loop with the customer, this fault is detected when we show the product to the customer resp. in the market introduction only. We basically will never know what Value something will deliver until it is used by the customer. Therefore we should prototype our solution(s) early and often, and learn early and often (keyword: minimal viable product, MVP). Any (Agile) product Development initiative is highly doomed to fail when it starts to solve a problem by taking the first solution coming to mind as the final one, and/or by building a product with a lot of features thinking the most the better. Essentially, if this happens, we live in a pseudo-agile bubble. Instead: In another post, I argued why Scrum a framework for both is: product discovery AND delivery. Unfortunately, you can do a lot wrong and suddenly, we are in product delivery anti-patterns (Tarnowski 2023).
What is Product Discovery & Product Delivery?
Product Discovery
Product Delivery
And we should make decisions at the last responsible moment. That is while we still have some options, but before we run out of options. We should create prototypes with loose internal couplings. When making decisions, we should hold and move smaller sets of decisions to correct mistakes sooner.
Product Delivery Anti-Patterns
Further Reading
What is Product Discovery & Product Delivery?
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Main Takeaways
Reading Time: 3 minutesProduct Discovery and Delivery are crucial in Product Development. In Product Discovery, we identify additional opportunities. In Product Delivery, we test continuously together with the customer our implementation.
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