About MTarnowski

Founder of Plays-in-Business.com. Academic lecturer for Innovation Management and Design Thinking (Fresenius Univ. for Applied Science). Scrum Master and Agile Coach. Certified practitioner in LeSS, Scrum@Scale, and Agile Fluency Game / Agile Fluency Diagnostics. Certified facilitator for the Lego Seriuos Play method. Provisional accessor ISO 15504 (Automotive Spice).

Nudging – The Ideas Behind It

Reading Time: 6 minutes Nudging is a concept in behavioral science, political theory, and behavioral economics. The basic concept of “Nudging” is that a relatively subtle policy shift – the “nudge” – encourages people to make decisions that are in their broader self-interest. A nudge makes it more likely that an individual will make a particular choice, or behave in a particular way, by altering the environment so that automatic cognitive processes are triggered to favour the desired outcome.

By |November 18th, 2018|Categories: Culture|Tags: , |0 Comments

Strategie- und Lösungspotentiale von LEGO™ Serious Play™

Reading Time: 14 minutes This blog post is available in German only. – Wir leben in einer Welt komplizierter und komplexer Probleme. Wenn die möglichen Lösungen dieser Probleme auch noch für uns unangenehme Konsequenzen haben ("wicked problems"), neigen wir oft dazu, sie auszusitzen. LEGO™ Serious Play™ als Managementmethode bietet strategische Möglichkeiten, diesem Aussitzen zu entgehen und derartige Probleme zu lösen.

By |November 16th, 2018|Categories: LEGO Serious Play|Tags: |0 Comments

How-Might-We Questioning

Reading Time: 3 minutes How-Might-We Questioning is a format to reframe issues in opportunity statements to spark creativity, brainstorming, and innovation: How might we make our entrance more inviting that our visitors feel more at home. How-Might-We Questions are a simple way to improve your products or services. In design thinking, HMW questions open up to Ideation sessions where you explore ideas, which can help you solve your design challenge in an innovative way. In product development and engineering, How-Might-We Questioning is a simple way to improve products or services.

Lightning Decision Jam

Reading Time: 4 minutes Lightning Decision Jam (LDJ) is a format for group decisioning. All open, unstructured discussion are replaced with a clear, timeboxed structured process. LDJ has its background in design thinking.

Creativity Techniques

Reading Time: < 1 minute Kreativitätstechniken und Kreativitätsmethoden lassen sich grundsätzlich in intuitive und diskursive Ansätze aufteilen. Intuitive Ansätze liefern in kurzer Zeit sehr viele Ideen. Sie fördern Gedankenassoziationen bei der Suche nach neuen Ideen. Diskursive Ansätze dagegen führen den Prozess der Lösungssuche systematisch und bewusst in einzelnen, logisch fortschreitenden Schritten durch. Dieser Artikel stellt mehr als 20 Kreativitätstechniken und Kreativitätsmethoden vor.

Design Thinking – What it is & Why it Works

Reading Time: 7 minutes Design thinking started as a human-centric framework for problem solving, focusing not on single objects but on systems instead: the single object and it's context of use as well the user. In this sense design is more than look-n-feel. Steve Jobs phrased it in his own extreme consequence: "Design is how it works.". This attitude leads to Design Thinking as modern form of product design.

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